[HTML][HTML] Nighttime light remote sensing for urban applications: Progress, challenges, and prospects
Nighttime light (NTL) remote sensing data offer unique capabilities to characterize both the
extent and intensity of human activities and have been extensively used to understand …
extent and intensity of human activities and have been extensively used to understand …
Remote sensing of night lights: A review and an outlook for the future
Remote sensing of night light emissions in the visible band offers a unique opportunity to
directly observe human activity from space. This has allowed a host of applications including …
directly observe human activity from space. This has allowed a host of applications including …
[HTML][HTML] Applications of satellite remote sensing of nighttime light observations: Advances, challenges, and perspectives
Nighttime light observations from remote sensing provide us with a timely and spatially
explicit measure of human activities, and therefore enable a host of applications such as …
explicit measure of human activities, and therefore enable a host of applications such as …
Advances in using multitemporal night-time lights satellite imagery to detect, estimate, and monitor socioeconomic dynamics
Since the late 1990s, remotely sensed night-time lights (NTL) satellite imagery has been
shown to correlate with socioeconomic parameters including urbanization, economic …
shown to correlate with socioeconomic parameters including urbanization, economic …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluating the ability of NPP-VIIRS nighttime light data to estimate the gross domestic product and the electric power consumption of China at multiple scales …
The nighttime light data records artificial light on the Earth's surface and can be used to
estimate the spatial distribution of the gross domestic product (GDP) and the electric power …
estimate the spatial distribution of the gross domestic product (GDP) and the electric power …
Intercalibration between DMSP/OLS and VIIRS night-time light images to evaluate city light dynamics of Syria's major human settlement during Syrian Civil War
X Li, D Li, H Xu, C Wu - Remote Sensing of Night-Time Light, 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Monthly composites of night-time light acquired from the Meteorological Satellite Program's
Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) had been used to evaluate socio-economic …
Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) had been used to evaluate socio-economic …
Modeling spatiotemporal CO2 (carbon dioxide) emission dynamics in China from DMSP-OLS nighttime stable light data using panel data analysis
China's rapid industrialization and urbanization have resulted in a great deal of CO 2
(carbon dioxide) emissions, which is closely related to its sustainable development and the …
(carbon dioxide) emissions, which is closely related to its sustainable development and the …
Quantifying uncertainties in nighttime light retrievals from Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS Day/Night Band data
Satellite observations of nighttime lights (NTL) from Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS
Day/Night Band data have been widely used to estimate human activities. Long-term …
Day/Night Band data have been widely used to estimate human activities. Long-term …
Application of DMSP/OLS nighttime light images: A meta-analysis and a systematic literature review
Since the release of the digital archives of Defense Meteorological Satellite Program
Operational Line Scanner (DMSP/OLS) nighttime light data in 1992, a variety of datasets …
Operational Line Scanner (DMSP/OLS) nighttime light data in 1992, a variety of datasets …
Contrasting trends in light pollution across Europe based on satellite observed night time lights
Since the 1970s nighttime satellite images of the Earth from space have provided a striking
illustration of the extent of artificial light. Meanwhile, growing awareness of adverse impacts …
illustration of the extent of artificial light. Meanwhile, growing awareness of adverse impacts …