Satellite remote sensing of global land surface temperature: Definition, methods, products, and applications

ZL Li, H Wu, SB Duan, W Zhao, H Ren… - Reviews of …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Land surface temperature (LST) is a crucial parameter that reflects land–atmosphere
interaction and has thus attracted wide interest from geoscientists. Owing to the rapid …

Urbanization impact on regional climate and extreme weather: Current understanding, uncertainties, and future research directions

Y Qian, TC Chakraborty, J Li, D Li, C He… - … in Atmospheric Sciences, 2022 - Springer
Urban environments lie at the confluence of social, cultural, and economic activities and
have unique biophysical characteristics due to continued infrastructure development that …

Influence of non-urban reference delineation on trend estimate of surface urban heat island intensity: A comparison of seven methods

H Liu, B He, S Gao, Q Zhan, C Yang - Remote Sensing of Environment, 2023 - Elsevier
Increasing concern over urban heat mitigation creates an emerging necessity to track the
evolution of urban heat island intensity (UHII) to assess the effectiveness of existing plans in …

Study of the urban heat island (UHI) using remote sensing data/techniques: A systematic review

CR Almeida, AC Teodoro, A Gonçalves - Environments, 2021 -
Urban Heat Islands (UHI) consist of the occurrence of higher temperatures in urbanized
areas when compared to rural areas. During the warmer seasons, this effect can lead to …

Crowdsourced air temperatures contrast satellite measures of the urban heat island and its mechanisms

ZS Venter, T Chakraborty, X Lee - Science Advances, 2021 -
The ubiquitous nature of satellite data has led to an explosion of studies on the surface
urban heat island (SUHI). Relatively few have simultaneously used air temperature …

Divergent urbanization-induced impacts on global surface urban heat island trends since 1980s

L Li, W Zhan, L Hu, TC Chakraborty, Z Wang… - Remote Sensing of …, 2023 - Elsevier
Urbanization experiences different speeds and forms under diverse development stages
across the globe. However, urbanization-induced impacts on long-term surface urban heat …

[HTML][HTML] Land surface temperature retrieval from Landsat 5, 7, and 8 over rural areas: Assessment of different retrieval algorithms and emissivity models and toolbox …

A Sekertekin, S Bonafoni - Remote sensing, 2020 -
Land Surface Temperature (LST) is an important parameter for many scientific disciplines
since it affects the interaction between the land and the atmosphere. Many LST retrieval …

[HTML][HTML] Land surface and air temperature dynamics: The role of urban form and seasonality

M Naserikia, MA Hart, N Nazarian, B Bechtel… - Science of The Total …, 2023 - Elsevier
Due to the scarcity of air temperature (T a) observations, urban heat studies often rely on
satellite-derived Land Surface Temperature (LST) to characterise the near-surface thermal …

The influence of urban form on surface urban heat island and its planning implications: Evidence from 1288 urban clusters in China

H Liu, B Huang, Q Zhan, S Gao, R Li, Z Fan - Sustainable cities and society, 2021 - Elsevier
There is a growing demand for urban form optimization to mitigate urban heat island (UHI)
effect. Nevertheless, how UHI responds to various urban morphological patterns is still …

Lower urban humidity moderates outdoor heat stress

T Chakraborty, ZS Venter, Y Qian, X Lee - Agu Advances, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Surface temperature is often used to examine heat exposure in multi‐city studies and for
informing urban heat mitigation efforts due to scarcity of urban air temperature …