Ecological effects of invasive alien insects
A literature survey identified 403 primary research publications that investigated the
ecological effects of invasive alien insects and/or the mechanisms underlying these effects …
ecological effects of invasive alien insects and/or the mechanisms underlying these effects …
Ecological effects of invasive arthropod generalist predators
WE Snyder, EW Evans - Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst., 2006 - annualreviews.org
Arthropod generalist predators (AGP) are widespread and abundant in both aquatic and
terrestrial ecosystems. They feed upon herbivores, detritivores, and predators, and also on …
terrestrial ecosystems. They feed upon herbivores, detritivores, and predators, and also on …
[HTML][HTML] Superorganism resilience: eusociality and susceptibility of ecosystem service providing insects to stressors
Insects provide crucial ecosystem services for human food security and maintenance of
biodiversity. It is therefore not surprising that major declines in wild insects, combined with …
biodiversity. It is therefore not surprising that major declines in wild insects, combined with …
Progress in risk assessment for classical biological control
There has been considerable debate on risks associated with biological control, and partly
resulting from this, research has addressed a number of questions which have subsequently …
resulting from this, research has addressed a number of questions which have subsequently …
Natural products for biocontrol: review of their fate in the environment and impacts on biodiversity
M Amichot, C Bertrand, B Chauvel… - … Science and Pollution …, 2024 - Springer
Biocontrol solutions (macroorganisms, microorganisms, natural substances,
semiochemicals) are presented as potential alternatives to conventional plant protection …
semiochemicals) are presented as potential alternatives to conventional plant protection …
The magnitude of legal wildlife trade and implications for species survival
The unsustainable use of wildlife is a primary driver of global biodiversity loss. No
comprehensive global dataset exists on what species are in trade, their geographic origins …
comprehensive global dataset exists on what species are in trade, their geographic origins …
Threats posed to rare or endangered insects by invasions of nonnative species
DL Wagner, RG Van Driesche - Annual review of entomology, 2010 - annualreviews.org
Endangerment factors are reviewed for 57 US federally listed insects and 116 rare eastern
North American lepidopterans to determine the importance of invasive species relative to 15 …
North American lepidopterans to determine the importance of invasive species relative to 15 …
classical biological control of invasive stink bugs with egg parasitoids–what does success look like?
Although the enemy release hypothesis forms the theoretical basis for classical (=
importation) biological control of invasive pests, its core assumptions are not always …
importation) biological control of invasive pests, its core assumptions are not always …
Egg parasitoids in biological control and integrated pest management
N Mills - Egg parasitoids in agroecosystems with emphasis on …, 2010 - Springer
As classical biological control agents, egg parasitoids exhibit a greater rate of establishment
than other parasitoid guilds, but have not been as effective in suppressing the abundance of …
than other parasitoid guilds, but have not been as effective in suppressing the abundance of …
Does the fundamental host range of Trissolcus japonicus match its realized host range in Europe?
Unintentional introduction of natural enemies has increased in recent years due to a
massive rise in global trade and tourism. One such natural enemy is the Asian egg …
massive rise in global trade and tourism. One such natural enemy is the Asian egg …