Self‐limitation of sand storage in a bedrock‐canyon river arising from the interaction of flow and grain size
Bedrock‐canyon rivers tend to be supply limited because they are efficient transporters of
sediment and not because the upstream supply of sediment is small. A byproduct of this …
sediment and not because the upstream supply of sediment is small. A byproduct of this …
Water temperature controls for regulated canyon‐bound rivers
Many canyon‐bound rivers have been dammed and downstream flow and water
temperatures modified. In some regions, climate change is expected to cause lower storage …
temperatures modified. In some regions, climate change is expected to cause lower storage …
The influence of controlled floods on fine sediment storage in debris fan-affected canyons of the Colorado River basin
Prior to the construction of large dams on the Green and Colorado Rivers, annual floods
aggraded sandbars in lateral flow-recirculation eddies with fine sediment scoured from the …
aggraded sandbars in lateral flow-recirculation eddies with fine sediment scoured from the …
Causes of variability in suspended‐sand concentration evaluated using measurements in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
Rivers commonly exhibit substantial variability in suspended‐sand concentration, even at
constant water discharge. Here we derive an approach for evaluating how much of this …
constant water discharge. Here we derive an approach for evaluating how much of this …
[PDF][PDF] Science-based strategies for future high-flow experiments at Glen Canyon Dam
SA Wright, TA Kennedy - Effects of three high-flow experiments on …, 2011 -
Canyon Dam has drastically altered physical and biological processes along the Colorado
River corridor downstream from the dam (fig. 1). These changes have led to a variety of …
River corridor downstream from the dam (fig. 1). These changes have led to a variety of …
Monitoring fine-sediment volume in the Colorado River ecosystem, Arizona: Construction and analysis of digital elevation models
M Kaplinski, JE Hazel Jr, PE Grams, PA Davis - 2014 -
Digital elevation models (DEMs) of eleven 2–5 kilometer reaches of the Colorado River
ecosystem (CRE) in Grand Canyon were constructed from repeat bathymetric and …
ecosystem (CRE) in Grand Canyon were constructed from repeat bathymetric and …
[HTML][HTML] Relación entre comunidad íctica y cobertura vegetal riparia en dos períodos hidrológicos (Eje Cafetero, Colombia)
Objetivo. Evaluar la relación entre estructura y dieta de la comunidad íctica y la cobertura
vegetal riparia (CVR) en dos períodos hidrológicos (PEHI) en riachos de la cuenca del río …
vegetal riparia (CVR) en dos períodos hidrológicos (PEHI) en riachos de la cuenca del río …
Water temperatures in select nearshore environments of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona, during the Low Steady Summer Flow experiment of 2000
WS Vernieu, CR Anderson - 2013 -
Abstract Water releases from Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona, are the primary determinant of
streamflow, sediment transport, water quality, and aquatic and riparian habitat availability in …
streamflow, sediment transport, water quality, and aquatic and riparian habitat availability in …
[PDF][PDF] Spatial and temporal trends in the size and number of backwaters between 1935 and 2000, Marble and Grand Canyons, Arizona
The decline in native fish populations in the Colorado River in Marble and Grand Canyons
over the past few decades has led biologists and river managers to investigate possible …
over the past few decades has led biologists and river managers to investigate possible …
Quantification of Hydrologic Response to Forest Disturbance in Western US Watersheds
SA Goeking - 2022 -
Forested watersheds produce more than half of the water supply in the United States.
Forests affect how precipitation is partitioned into available water versus evapotranspiration …
Forests affect how precipitation is partitioned into available water versus evapotranspiration …