Self‐limitation of sand storage in a bedrock‐canyon river arising from the interaction of flow and grain size

DJ Top**, PE Grams, RE Griffiths… - Journal of …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Bedrock‐canyon rivers tend to be supply limited because they are efficient transporters of
sediment and not because the upstream supply of sediment is small. A byproduct of this …

Water temperature controls for regulated canyon‐bound rivers

BA Mihalevich, BT Neilson, CA Buahin… - Water Resources …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Many canyon‐bound rivers have been dammed and downstream flow and water
temperatures modified. In some regions, climate change is expected to cause lower storage …

The influence of controlled floods on fine sediment storage in debris fan-affected canyons of the Colorado River basin

ER Mueller, PE Grams, JC Schmidt, JE Hazel Jr… - Geomorphology, 2014 - Elsevier
Prior to the construction of large dams on the Green and Colorado Rivers, annual floods
aggraded sandbars in lateral flow-recirculation eddies with fine sediment scoured from the …

Causes of variability in suspended‐sand concentration evaluated using measurements in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon

DM Rubin, D Buscombe, SA Wright… - Journal of …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Rivers commonly exhibit substantial variability in suspended‐sand concentration, even at
constant water discharge. Here we derive an approach for evaluating how much of this …

[PDF][PDF] Science-based strategies for future high-flow experiments at Glen Canyon Dam

SA Wright, TA Kennedy - Effects of three high-flow experiments on …, 2011 -
Canyon Dam has drastically altered physical and biological processes along the Colorado
River corridor downstream from the dam (fig. 1). These changes have led to a variety of …

Monitoring fine-sediment volume in the Colorado River ecosystem, Arizona: Construction and analysis of digital elevation models

M Kaplinski, JE Hazel Jr, PE Grams, PA Davis - 2014 -
Digital elevation models (DEMs) of eleven 2–5 kilometer reaches of the Colorado River
ecosystem (CRE) in Grand Canyon were constructed from repeat bathymetric and …

[HTML][HTML] Relación entre comunidad íctica y cobertura vegetal riparia en dos períodos hidrológicos (Eje Cafetero, Colombia)

MA Pérez-Mayorga, S Prada-Pedreros - Universitas Scientiarum, 2011 -
Objetivo. Evaluar la relación entre estructura y dieta de la comunidad íctica y la cobertura
vegetal riparia (CVR) en dos períodos hidrológicos (PEHI) en riachos de la cuenca del río …

Water temperatures in select nearshore environments of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona, during the Low Steady Summer Flow experiment of 2000

WS Vernieu, CR Anderson - 2013 -
Abstract Water releases from Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona, are the primary determinant of
streamflow, sediment transport, water quality, and aquatic and riparian habitat availability in …

[PDF][PDF] Spatial and temporal trends in the size and number of backwaters between 1935 and 2000, Marble and Grand Canyons, Arizona

SA Goeking, JC Schmidt, MK Webb - Department of Aquatic …, 2003 -
The decline in native fish populations in the Colorado River in Marble and Grand Canyons
over the past few decades has led biologists and river managers to investigate possible …

Quantification of Hydrologic Response to Forest Disturbance in Western US Watersheds

SA Goeking - 2022 -
Forested watersheds produce more than half of the water supply in the United States.
Forests affect how precipitation is partitioned into available water versus evapotranspiration …