Holocene thermal maximum in the western Arctic (0–180 W)
The spatio-temporal pattern of peak Holocene warmth (Holocene thermal maximum, HTM) is
traced over 140 sites across the Western Hemisphere of the Arctic (0–180° W; north of∼ 60° …
traced over 140 sites across the Western Hemisphere of the Arctic (0–180° W; north of∼ 60° …
Evaporation induced 18O and 13C enrichment in lake systems: A global perspective on hydrologic balance effects
Growing pressure on sustainable water resource allocation in the context of global
development and rapid environmental change demands rigorous knowledge of how …
development and rapid environmental change demands rigorous knowledge of how …
The structure of Holocene climate change in mid-latitude North America
A sequence of long-term and rapid changes during the Holocene appears in a network of 40
well-resolved paleoclimate datasets from mid-latitude North America, including records of …
well-resolved paleoclimate datasets from mid-latitude North America, including records of …
A major widespread climatic change around 5300 cal. yr BP at the time of the Alpine Iceman
M Magny, JN Haas - … of Quaternary Science: Published for the …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Palaeoenvironmental and archaeological data from Arbon Bleiche, Lake Constance
(Switzerland) give evidence of a rapid rise in lake‐level dated by tree‐ring and radiocarbon …
(Switzerland) give evidence of a rapid rise in lake‐level dated by tree‐ring and radiocarbon …
Hydrogen isotope ratios of individual lipids in lake sediments as novel tracers of climatic and environmental change: a surface sediment test
We determined hydrogen isotope ratios of modern lake-waters and individual lipids from
surface sediments of 36 lakes in the eastern North America. The lakes selected lie on two …
surface sediments of 36 lakes in the eastern North America. The lakes selected lie on two …
Tripartite climate reversal in Central Europe 5600–5300 years ago
M Magny, URS Leuzinger, S Bortenschlager… - Quaternary …, 2006 - cambridge.org
The history of variations in water level of Lake Constance, as reconstructed from sediment
and pollen analysis of a sediment sequence from the archaeological site of Arbon-Bleiche 3 …
and pollen analysis of a sediment sequence from the archaeological site of Arbon-Bleiche 3 …
Seasonality of isotopes in precipitation: A global perspective
X Feng, AM Faiia, ES Posmentier - Journal of Geophysical …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
We use data from Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) database to explore
how the atmosphere's meridional circulation cells control the latitudinal and seasonal …
how the atmosphere's meridional circulation cells control the latitudinal and seasonal …
A climatic driver for abrupt mid‐Holocene vegetation dynamics and the hemlock decline in New England
The mid‐Holocene decline of eastern hemlock is widely viewed as the sole prehistorical
example of an insect‐or pathogen‐mediated collapse of a North American tree species and …
example of an insect‐or pathogen‐mediated collapse of a North American tree species and …
Abrupt Holocene climate change and potential response to solar forcing in western Canada
Several abrupt climate events during the Holocene, including the widely documented
oscillation at 8.2 thousand years before present (ka), are attributed to changes in the North …
oscillation at 8.2 thousand years before present (ka), are attributed to changes in the North …
Paired oxygen isotope records reveal modern North American atmospheric dynamics during the Holocene
Abstract The Pacific North American (PNA) teleconnection has a strong influence on North
American climate. Instrumental records and century-scale reconstructions indicate an …
American climate. Instrumental records and century-scale reconstructions indicate an …