Environmental policy and innovation: a decade of research

D Popp - 2019 - nber.org
Innovation is an important part of environmental policy, and encouraging innovation is often
an explicit goal of policymakers. A large literature in environmental economics examines the …

Induced innovation in energy technologies and systems: a review of evidence and potential implications for CO2 mitigation

M Grubb, P Drummond, A Poncia… - Environmental …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
We conduct a systematic and interdisciplinary review of empirical literature assessing
evidence on induced innovation in energy and related technologies. We explore links …

Energy efficiency trade-offs in small to large electric vehicles

M Weiss, KC Cloos, E Helmers - Environmental Sciences Europe, 2020 - Springer
Background As electric kick scooters, three-wheelers, and passenger cars enter the streets,
efficiency trade-offs across vehicle types gain practical relevance for consumers and policy …

Will we ever stop using fossil fuels?

T Covert, M Greenstone, CR Knittel - Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2016 - aeaweb.org
Scientists believe significant climate change is unavoidable without a drastic reduction in the
emissions of greenhouse gases from the combustion of fossil fuels. However, few countries …

Carbon taxes, path dependency, and directed technical change: Evidence from the auto industry

P Aghion, A Dechezleprêtre… - Journal of Political …, 2016 - journals.uchicago.edu
Can directed technical change be used to combat climate change? We construct new firm-
level panel data on auto industry innovation distinguishing between “dirty”(internal …

Gasoline prices, fuel economy, and the energy paradox

H Allcott, N Wozny - Review of Economics and Statistics, 2014 - direct.mit.edu
Policymakers often assert that consumers undervalue future gasoline costs when they buy
automobiles. We test this by measuring whether relative prices of vehicles with different fuel …

Are consumers myopic? Evidence from new and used car purchases

MR Busse, CR Knittel, F Zettelmeyer - American Economic Review, 2013 - aeaweb.org
We investigate whether car buyers are myopic about future fuel costs. We estimate the effect
of gasoline prices on short-run equilibrium prices of cars of different fuel economies. We …

Understanding China's urban pollution dynamics

S Zheng, ME Kahn - Journal of economic literature, 2013 - aeaweb.org
China's ongoing urban economic growth has sharply increased the population's per capita
income, lowered the count of people living below the poverty line, and caused major …

The evolution of market power in the us automobile industry

PLE Grieco, C Murry, A Yurukoglu - The Quarterly Journal of …, 2024 - academic.oup.com
We construct measures of industry performance and welfare in the US automobile market
from 1980 to 2018. We estimate a demand model using product-level data on market …

Cash for coolers: evaluating a large-scale appliance replacement program in Mexico

LW Davis, A Fuchs, P Gertler - American Economic Journal: Economic …, 2014 - aeaweb.org
This paper evaluates a large-scale appliance replacement program in Mexico that from
2009 to 2012 helped 1.9 million households replace their old refrigerators and air …