Soft sensors and actuators for wearable human–machine interfaces
Haptic human–machine interfaces (HHMIs) combine tactile sensation and haptic feedback
to allow humans to interact closely with machines and robots, providing immersive …
to allow humans to interact closely with machines and robots, providing immersive …
Magnetic soft materials and robots
In conventional classification, soft robots feature mechanical compliance as the main
distinguishing factor from traditional robots made of rigid materials. Recent advances in …
distinguishing factor from traditional robots made of rigid materials. Recent advances in …
Humidity-sensitive chemoelectric flexible sensors based on metal-air redox reaction for health management
Numerous studies have shown flexible electronics play important roles in health
management. The way of power supply is always an essential factor of devices and self …
management. The way of power supply is always an essential factor of devices and self …
Touchless interactive teaching of soft robots through flexible bimodal sensory interfaces
In this paper, we propose a multimodal flexible sensory interface for interactively teaching
soft robots to perform skilled locomotion using bare human hands. First, we develop a …
soft robots to perform skilled locomotion using bare human hands. First, we develop a …
Recent progress in flexible tactile sensors for human‐interactive systems: from sensors to advanced applications
Flexible tactile sensors capable of measuring mechanical stimuli via physical contact have
attracted significant attention in the field of human‐interactive systems. The utilization of …
attracted significant attention in the field of human‐interactive systems. The utilization of …
Finger-inspired rigid-soft hybrid tactile sensor with superior sensitivity at high frequency
Among kinds of flexible tactile sensors, piezoelectric tactile sensor has the advantage of fast
response for dynamic force detection. However, it suffers from low sensitivity at high …
response for dynamic force detection. However, it suffers from low sensitivity at high …
Soft magnetic skin for super-resolution tactile sensing with force self-decoupling
Human skin can sense subtle changes of both normal and shear forces (ie, self-decoupled)
and perceive stimuli with finer resolution than the average spacing between …
and perceive stimuli with finer resolution than the average spacing between …
Advances in flexible magnetosensitive materials and devices for wearable electronics
Emerging fields, such as wearable electronics, digital healthcare, the Internet of Things, and
humanoid robots, highlight the need for flexible devices capable of recording signals on …
humanoid robots, highlight the need for flexible devices capable of recording signals on …
Artificial multimodal receptors based on ion relaxation dynamics
Human skin has different types of tactile receptors that can distinguish various mechanical
stimuli from temperature. We present a deformable artificial multimodal ionic receptor that …
stimuli from temperature. We present a deformable artificial multimodal ionic receptor that …
Hierarchically microstructure-bioinspired flexible piezoresistive bioelectronics
The naturally microstructure-bioinspired piezoresistive sensor for human–machine
interaction and human health monitoring represents an attractive opportunity for wearable …
interaction and human health monitoring represents an attractive opportunity for wearable …