Cyber risk assessment in cloud provider environments: Current models and future needs
Traditional frameworks for risk assessment do not work well for cloud computing. While
recent work has often focussed on the risks faced by firms adopting or selecting cloud …
recent work has often focussed on the risks faced by firms adopting or selecting cloud …
Towards a data governance framework for third generation platforms
J Yebenes, M Zorrilla - Procedia Computer Science, 2019 - Elsevier
The fourth industrial revolution considers data as a business asset and therefore this is
placed as a central element of the software architecture (data as a service) that will support …
placed as a central element of the software architecture (data as a service) that will support …
Modeling time, probability, and configuration constraints for continuous cloud service certification
Cloud computing proposes a paradigm shift where resources and services are allocated,
provisioned, and accessed at runtime and on demand. New business opportunities emerge …
provisioned, and accessed at runtime and on demand. New business opportunities emerge …
Pengaruh sistem keuangan desa terhadap akuntabilitas dengan pengelolaan keuangan desa sebagai variabel intervening
CN Harafonna, M Indriani - Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi …, 2019 - jim.usk.ac.id
This study aims to examine the effect of the village financial systems on accountability and
the role of village financial management as an intervening variable on the relationship of …
the role of village financial management as an intervening variable on the relationship of …
Aggregation of security metrics for decision making: a reference architecture
Existing security technologies play a significant role in protecting enterprise systems but they
are no longer enough on their own given the number of successful cyberattacks against …
are no longer enough on their own given the number of successful cyberattacks against …
Qualifying and measuring transparency: A medical data system case study
Transparency is a data processing principle enforced by the GDPR but purposely left open
to interpretation. As such, the means to adhere to it are left unspecified. Article 29 Working …
to interpretation. As such, the means to adhere to it are left unspecified. Article 29 Working …
An adaptative and compliant forensics admissibility metrics generation methodology
A Akremi - The 23rd International Conference on Information …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
The paper aims to solve the lack or absence of effective metrics that reflect the sized
system's forensics readiness, providing intrinsic weights to the gathered evidence. This …
system's forensics readiness, providing intrinsic weights to the gathered evidence. This …
DrATC: Dynamic Routing Algorithm Based on Trust Characteristics
In this paper, we propose a dynamic routing algorithm that leverages various trust
characteristics to determine the most trusted path in a network. Trust, a multifaceted concept …
characteristics to determine the most trusted path in a network. Trust, a multifaceted concept …
Marco para la construcción de sistemas de gobernanza de datos en entornos de industria 4.0
JR Yébenes Serrano - 2022 - repositorio.unican.es
La cuarta revolución industrial, o Industria 4.0, representa una nueva etapa de evolución en
la organización, la gestión y el control de la cadena de valor a lo largo del ciclo de vida de …
la organización, la gestión y el control de la cadena de valor a lo largo del ciclo de vida de …
Worker Perceptions of Cloud Computing Adoption and Change in the US Government
N Lessen - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Government agencies in the United States currently face significant challenges in adopting
cloud computing technology. Research has shown that changes to numerous aspects of …
cloud computing technology. Research has shown that changes to numerous aspects of …