Soft actuators for soft robotic applications: A review

N El-Atab, RB Mishra, F Al-Modaf… - Advanced Intelligent …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Soft robotics technologies are paving the way toward robotic abilities which are vital for a
wide range of applications, including manufacturing, manipulation, grip**, human …

RNA sequencing: the teenage years

R Stark, M Grzelak, J Hadfield - Nature Reviews Genetics, 2019 -
Over the past decade, RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) has become an indispensable tool for
transcriptome-wide analysis of differential gene expression and differential splicing of …

An invasive zone in human liver cancer identified by Stereo-seq promotes hepatocyte–tumor cell crosstalk, local immunosuppression and tumor progression

L Wu, J Yan, Y Bai, F Chen, X Zou, J Xu, A Huang… - Cell research, 2023 -
Dissecting and understanding the cancer ecosystem, especially that around the tumor
margins, which have strong implications for tumor cell infiltration and invasion, are essential …

High-throughput total RNA sequencing in single cells using VASA-seq

F Salmen, J De Jonghe, TS Kaminski, A Alemany… - Nature …, 2022 -
Most methods for single-cell transcriptome sequencing amplify the termini of polyadenylated
transcripts, capturing only a small fraction of the total cellular transcriptome. This precludes …

Genome assemblies of 11 bamboo species highlight diversification induced by dynamic subgenome dominance

PF Ma, YL Liu, C Guo, G **, ZH Guo, L Mao… - Nature Genetics, 2024 -
Polyploidy (genome duplication) is a pivotal force in evolution. However, the interactions
between parental genomes in a polyploid nucleus, frequently involving subgenome …

Ageing-associated changes in transcriptional elongation influence longevity

C Debès, A Papadakis, S Grönke, Ö Karalay, LS Tain… - Nature, 2023 -
Physiological homeostasis becomes compromised during ageing, as a result of impairment
of cellular processes, including transcription and RNA splicing,,–. However, the molecular …

Improved pea reference genome and pan-genome highlight genomic features and evolutionary characteristics

T Yang, R Liu, Y Luo, S Hu, D Wang, C Wang… - Nature …, 2022 -
Complete and accurate reference genomes and annotations provide fundamental resources
for functional genomics and crop breeding. Here we report a de novo assembly and …

A multi-tissue atlas of regulatory variants in cattle

S Liu, Y Gao, O Canela-Xandri, S Wang, Y Yu, W Cai… - Nature Genetics, 2022 -
Abstract Characterization of genetic regulatory variants acting on livestock gene expression
is essential for interpreting the molecular mechanisms underlying traits of economic value …

A compendium of genetic regulatory effects across pig tissues

J Teng, Y Gao, H Yin, Z Bai, S Liu, H Zeng… - Nature …, 2024 -
Abstract The Farm Animal Genotype-Tissue Expression (FarmGTEx) project has been
established to develop a public resource of genetic regulatory variants in livestock, which is …

[HTML][HTML] Pan-genome of wild and cultivated soybeans

Y Liu, H Du, P Li, Y Shen, H Peng, S Liu, GA Zhou… - Cell, 2020 -
Soybean is one of the most important vegetable oil and protein feed crops. To capture the
entire genomic diversity, it is needed to construct a complete high-quality pan-genome from …