[BOOK][B] Meandering sobriety

QH Vuong - 2023 - books.google.com
(Third edition, with additions) Thinking is a fundamental activity of our species–those that
give names to other creatures and call themselves humans. Textbooks tell us that there is …

Why and when paradoxical leader behavior impact employee creativity: Thriving at work and psychological safety

Y Yang, Z Li, L Liang, X Zhang - Current Psychology, 2021 - Springer
Why and when does paradoxical leader behavior lead to an increase in employee creativity
and thriving at work? Based on self-determination theory, we propose that paradoxical …

Does negative feedback benefit (or harm) recipient creativity? The role of the direction of feedback flow

YJ Kim, J Kim - Academy of Management Journal, 2020 - journals.aom.org
Negative feedback alerts recipients to a creativity–standard gap, and thus may offer an
opportunity to improve creativity. However, existing theories and empirical evidence are …

A hierarchical model of cognitive flexibility in children: Extending the relationship between flexibility, creativity and academic achievement

V Arán Filippetti, G Krumm - Child Neuropsychology, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
We conducted two empirical studies to (1) explore the latent structure of cognitive flexibility
in children as measured by performance-based tasks,(2) analyze the contribution of working …

How constraints impact creativity: An interaction paradigm.

C Tromp, RJ Sternberg - … of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 2022 - psycnet.apa.org
Abstract Extending the recent Integrated Constraints in Creativity (IConIC) model (Tromp,
2022), we propose a paradigm for how constraints interact with creativity. After reviewing the …

The contribution of executive functions to creativity in children: What is the role of crystallized and fluid intelligence?

G Krumm, VA Filippetti, M Gutierrez - Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2018 - Elsevier
Recent studies have revealed that intelligence and executive functions (EFs) play an
important role in creative thinking. However, most research has focused on adult …

Факторы, влияющие на психофизиологические процессы восприятия информации в условиях информатизации образовательной среды

ПА Байгужин, ДЗ Шибкова… - Science for Education …, 2019 - cyberleninka.ru
Проблема и цель. Авторами исследуется проблема влияния информационных
технологий на личность и эффективность результатов ее деятельности в условиях …

When silver is gold: Forecasting the potential creativity of initial ideas

JM Berg - Organizational Behavior and Human Decision …, 2019 - Elsevier
Past research on idea evaluation has focused on how individuals evaluate the creativity of
finalized ideas. But idea evaluation is also important early in the creative process, when …

Unlocking creative potential: Reappraising emotional events facilitates creativity for conventional thinkers

LY Zhu, CW Bauman, MJ Young - Organizational Behavior and Human …, 2023 - Elsevier
We examine the cognitive processes that underpin emotion regulation strategies and their
associations with creativity. Building on theories of emotion regulation and creative …

The Mr. Plumbean approach: how focusing constraints anchor creativity

C Tromp - Creativity Research Journal, 2025 - Taylor & Francis
Integrating research from cognitive, social, organizational, and developmental psychology,
the present article builds on the idea that constraints play a key role in creativity. The Mr …