[BOOK][B] Meandering sobriety
QH Vuong - 2023 - books.google.com
(Third edition, with additions) Thinking is a fundamental activity of our species–those that
give names to other creatures and call themselves humans. Textbooks tell us that there is …
give names to other creatures and call themselves humans. Textbooks tell us that there is …
Why and when paradoxical leader behavior impact employee creativity: Thriving at work and psychological safety
Y Yang, Z Li, L Liang, X Zhang - Current Psychology, 2021 - Springer
Why and when does paradoxical leader behavior lead to an increase in employee creativity
and thriving at work? Based on self-determination theory, we propose that paradoxical …
and thriving at work? Based on self-determination theory, we propose that paradoxical …
Does negative feedback benefit (or harm) recipient creativity? The role of the direction of feedback flow
Negative feedback alerts recipients to a creativity–standard gap, and thus may offer an
opportunity to improve creativity. However, existing theories and empirical evidence are …
opportunity to improve creativity. However, existing theories and empirical evidence are …
A hierarchical model of cognitive flexibility in children: Extending the relationship between flexibility, creativity and academic achievement
We conducted two empirical studies to (1) explore the latent structure of cognitive flexibility
in children as measured by performance-based tasks,(2) analyze the contribution of working …
in children as measured by performance-based tasks,(2) analyze the contribution of working …
How constraints impact creativity: An interaction paradigm.
Abstract Extending the recent Integrated Constraints in Creativity (IConIC) model (Tromp,
2022), we propose a paradigm for how constraints interact with creativity. After reviewing the …
2022), we propose a paradigm for how constraints interact with creativity. After reviewing the …
The contribution of executive functions to creativity in children: What is the role of crystallized and fluid intelligence?
Recent studies have revealed that intelligence and executive functions (EFs) play an
important role in creative thinking. However, most research has focused on adult …
important role in creative thinking. However, most research has focused on adult …
Факторы, влияющие на психофизиологические процессы восприятия информации в условиях информатизации образовательной среды
ПА Байгужин, ДЗ Шибкова… - Science for Education …, 2019 - cyberleninka.ru
Проблема и цель. Авторами исследуется проблема влияния информационных
технологий на личность и эффективность результатов ее деятельности в условиях …
технологий на личность и эффективность результатов ее деятельности в условиях …
When silver is gold: Forecasting the potential creativity of initial ideas
JM Berg - Organizational Behavior and Human Decision …, 2019 - Elsevier
Past research on idea evaluation has focused on how individuals evaluate the creativity of
finalized ideas. But idea evaluation is also important early in the creative process, when …
finalized ideas. But idea evaluation is also important early in the creative process, when …
Unlocking creative potential: Reappraising emotional events facilitates creativity for conventional thinkers
We examine the cognitive processes that underpin emotion regulation strategies and their
associations with creativity. Building on theories of emotion regulation and creative …
associations with creativity. Building on theories of emotion regulation and creative …
The Mr. Plumbean approach: how focusing constraints anchor creativity
C Tromp - Creativity Research Journal, 2025 - Taylor & Francis
Integrating research from cognitive, social, organizational, and developmental psychology,
the present article builds on the idea that constraints play a key role in creativity. The Mr …
the present article builds on the idea that constraints play a key role in creativity. The Mr …