[HTML][HTML] Transformative marketing in the new normal: A novel practice-scholarly integrative review of business-to-business marketing mix challenges, opportunities …
WM Lim - Journal of Business Research, 2023 - Elsevier
Transformative marketing has been heralded as the future of marketing. While the initial
catalyst for transformative marketing was the desire of customers for more meaningful …
catalyst for transformative marketing was the desire of customers for more meaningful …
Human resource management and the COVID-19 crisis: Implications, challenges, opportunities, and future organizational directions
S Hamouche - Journal of Management & Organization, 2023 - cambridge.org
The COVID-19 has grandly shaken all organizations, creating a complex and challenging
environment for managers and human resource management (HRM) practitioners, who …
environment for managers and human resource management (HRM) practitioners, who …
Supply chain management during and post-COVID-19 pandemic: Mitigation strategies and practical lessons learned
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected global supply chains at an unprecedented speed and
scale. This paper investigates the supply chain challenges that manufacturing organizations …
scale. This paper investigates the supply chain challenges that manufacturing organizations …
Digital transformation, for better or worse: a critical multi‐level research agenda
For better or worse, digital technologies are resha** everything, from customer behaviors
and expectations to organizational and manufacturing systems, business models, markets …
and expectations to organizational and manufacturing systems, business models, markets …
A study of human resource digital transformation (HRDT): A phenomenon of innovation capability led by digital and individual factors
Surviving in a digitally disrupted world required organizations to continuously innovate and
digitally transform their work practices, especially HR processes. Scholarly failure to define …
digitally transform their work practices, especially HR processes. Scholarly failure to define …
The impact of Human resource management practice on Organizational performance
The present research studies the impact of human resource management on the
performance of government institutions. In a rapidly changing economic environment …
performance of government institutions. In a rapidly changing economic environment …
Does remote work flexibility enhance organization performance? Moderating role of organization policy and top management support
S Chatterjee, R Chaudhuri, D Vrontis - Journal of Business Research, 2022 - Elsevier
With the advancement of information and communication technologies (ICTs), employees
can work remotely without any hindrance. Moreover, remote work provides organizations an …
can work remotely without any hindrance. Moreover, remote work provides organizations an …
Global banking stability in the shadow of Covid-19 outbreak
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has been exerting negative effects on several economies
in 2020. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to examine the impact of this pandemic on …
in 2020. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to examine the impact of this pandemic on …
Impact of COVID-19 on the food supply chain
A pandemic is not a new event encountered in the history of humanity because mankind has
faced various pandemics in history. The common point of pandemics is their serious …
faced various pandemics in history. The common point of pandemics is their serious …
Enforced remote working: The impact of digital platform-induced stress and remote working experience on technology exhaustion and subjective wellbeing
The COVID-19 pandemic forced most individuals to work from home. Simultaneously, there
has been an uptake of digital platform use for personal purposes. The excessive use of …
has been an uptake of digital platform use for personal purposes. The excessive use of …