[HTML][HTML] Inducing domain-specific sentiment lexicons from unlabeled corpora
A word's sentiment depends on the domain in which it is used. Computational social science
research thus requires sentiment lexicons that are specific to the domains being studied. We …
research thus requires sentiment lexicons that are specific to the domains being studied. We …
Automatic labeling of semantic roles
We present a system for identifying the semantic relationships, or semantic roles, filled by
constituents of a sentence within a semantic frame. Given an input sentence and a target …
constituents of a sentence within a semantic frame. Given an input sentence and a target …
[PDF][PDF] Learning subjective adjectives from corpora
J Wiebe - Aaai/iaai, 2000 - cdn.aaai.org
Subjectivity tagging is distinguishing sentences used to present opinions and evaluations
from sentences used to objectively present factual information. There are numerous …
from sentences used to objectively present factual information. There are numerous …
[KİTAP][B] Semantic role labeling
This book is aimed at providing an overview of several aspects of semantic role labeling.
Chapter 1 begins with linguistic background on the definition of semantic roles and the …
Chapter 1 begins with linguistic background on the definition of semantic roles and the …
Using the web to obtain frequencies for unseen bigrams
This article shows that the Web can be employed to obtain frequencies for bigrams that are
unseen in a given corpus. We describe a method for retrieving counts for adjective-noun …
unseen in a given corpus. We describe a method for retrieving counts for adjective-noun …
[PDF][PDF] Metaphor identification using verb and noun clustering
We present a novel approach to automatic metaphor identification in unrestricted text.
Starting from a small seed set of manually annotated metaphorical expressions, the system …
Starting from a small seed set of manually annotated metaphorical expressions, the system …
Statistical metaphor processing
Metaphor is highly frequent in language, which makes its computational processing
indispensable for real-world NLP applications addressing semantic tasks. Previous …
indispensable for real-world NLP applications addressing semantic tasks. Previous …
Experiments on the automatic induction of German semantic verb classes
SS Im Walde - Computational Linguistics, 2006 - direct.mit.edu
This article presents clustering experiments on German verbs: A statistical grammar model
for German serves as the source for a distributional verb description at the lexical syntax …
for German serves as the source for a distributional verb description at the lexical syntax …
On the effectiveness of the skew divergence for statistical language analysis
L Lee - International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2001 - proceedings.mlr.press
Estimating word co-occurrence probabilities is a problem underlying many applications in
statistical natural language processing. Distance-weighted (or similarityweighted) averaging …
statistical natural language processing. Distance-weighted (or similarityweighted) averaging …
Co-occurrence retrieval: A flexible framework for lexical distributional similarity
Techniques that exploit knowledge of distributional similarity between words have been
proposed in many areas of Natural Language Processing. For example, in language …
proposed in many areas of Natural Language Processing. For example, in language …