Mysticete migration revisited: are Mediterranean fin whales an anomaly?
CKA Geijer, G Notarbartolo di Sciara… - Mammal …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The generally accepted model of Mysticete whale migration is that most individuals
undertake seasonal migrations between high and low latitudes. Although numerous …
undertake seasonal migrations between high and low latitudes. Although numerous …
A practical guide on stable isotope analysis for cetacean research
Trophic ecology information about cetaceans is essential to understand their role in
ecosystem dynamics. Stable isotope analysis is a valuable complementary approach to …
ecosystem dynamics. Stable isotope analysis is a valuable complementary approach to …
Autumn movements of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) from Svalbard, Norway, revealed by satellite tracking
C Lydersen, J Vacquié-Garcia, MP Heide-Jørgensen… - Scientific Reports, 2020 - nature.com
Insight into animal movements is essential for understanding habitat use by individuals as
well as population processes and species life-history strategies. In this study, we …
well as population processes and species life-history strategies. In this study, we …
Estimating blue whale skin isotopic incorporation rates and baleen growth rates: Implications for assessing diet and movement patterns in mysticetes
Stable isotope analysis in mysticete skin and baleen plates has been repeatedly used to
assess diet and movement patterns. Accurate interpretation of isotope data depends on …
assess diet and movement patterns. Accurate interpretation of isotope data depends on …
Seasonal distribution and abundance of cetaceans within French waters-Part I: The North-Western Mediterranean, including the Pelagos sanctuary
The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea is undergoing important changes. Cetaceans, as
top predators, are an important component of marine ecosystems. The seasonal distribution …
top predators, are an important component of marine ecosystems. The seasonal distribution …
Isotopic evidence of a wide spectrum of feeding strategies in Southern Hemisphere humpback whale baleen records
P Eisenmann, B Fry, C Holyoake, D Coughran… - PLoS …, 2016 - journals.plos.org
Our current understanding of Southern hemisphere humpback whale (Megaptera
novaeangliae) ecology assumes high-fidelity feeding on Antarctic krill in Antarctic waters …
novaeangliae) ecology assumes high-fidelity feeding on Antarctic krill in Antarctic waters …
Inferring foraging areas of nesting loggerhead turtles using satellite telemetry and stable isotopes
In recent years, the use of intrinsic markers such as stable isotopes to link breeding and
foraging grounds of migratory species has increased. Nevertheless, several assumptions …
foraging grounds of migratory species has increased. Nevertheless, several assumptions …
Potential feeding habitat of fin whales in the western Mediterranean Sea: an environmental niche model
The development of synoptic tools is required to derive the potential habitat of fin whales
Balaenoptera physalus on a large-scale basis in the Mediterranean Sea, as the species has …
Balaenoptera physalus on a large-scale basis in the Mediterranean Sea, as the species has …
POPs in free-ranging pilot whales, sperm whales and fin whales from the Mediterranean Sea: influence of biological and ecological factors
The pilot whale Globicephala melas, the sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus, and the fin
whale Balaenoptera physalus are large cetaceans permanently inhabiting the …
whale Balaenoptera physalus are large cetaceans permanently inhabiting the …
Satellite tagging of Mediterranean fin whales: working towards the identification of critical habitats and the focussing of mitigation measures
Mediterranean fin whales comprise a genetically distinct population, listed as Vulnerable
(VU) in the IUCN Red List. Collisions with vessels are believed to represent the main cause …
(VU) in the IUCN Red List. Collisions with vessels are believed to represent the main cause …