Synthesis of highbush blueberry pollination research reveals region‐specific differences in the contributions of honeybees and wild bees
Highbush blueberry production has expanded worldwide in recent decades. To safeguard
future yields, it is essential to understand if insect pollination is limiting current blueberry …
future yields, it is essential to understand if insect pollination is limiting current blueberry …
Intraspecific crop diversity for enhanced crop pollination success. A review
Interspecific crop diversity (eg, intercrop**) has been documented to promote
sustainability in agroecological systems with benefits for pollination services and insect …
sustainability in agroecological systems with benefits for pollination services and insect …
Insufficient pollinator visitation often limits yield in crop systems worldwide
Declining pollinator populations could threaten global food production, especially if current
crop yields are limited by insufficient pollinator visitation to flowers, in a phenomenon …
crop yields are limited by insufficient pollinator visitation to flowers, in a phenomenon …
A minimum of 15% semi-natural habitat facilitates adequate wild pollinator visitation to a pollinator-dependent crop
M Eeraerts - Biological Conservation, 2023 - Elsevier
The continued expansion of pollinator-dependent crops increases our reliance on insect
pollinators, with wild pollinators providing a considerable proportion of pollination services …
pollinators, with wild pollinators providing a considerable proportion of pollination services …
Landscape-level honey bee hive density, instead of field-level hive density, enhances honey bee visitation in blueberry
Context To date, managing honey bees and wild bees within crop fields remains
challenging. Landscape structure is often overlooked when studying the pollination …
challenging. Landscape structure is often overlooked when studying the pollination …
Pollination deficits and their relation with insect pollinator visitation are cultivar-dependent in an entomophilous crop
Insects contribute considerably to global crop pollination, with pollination deficits being
documented for multiple entomophilous or pollinator-dependent crops. Different cultivars of …
documented for multiple entomophilous or pollinator-dependent crops. Different cultivars of …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of pollination requirements, pollinators, landscape and management practices on pollination in sweet and sour cherry: A systematic review
Insect-mediated pollination is crucial for global production of multiple pollinator-dependent
crops, including high-value crops like sweet and sour cherry. In the face of increasing …
crops, including high-value crops like sweet and sour cherry. In the face of increasing …
Landscape structure and farming management interacts to modulate pollination supply and crop production in blueberries
Pollination services are affected by landscape context, farming management and pollinator
community structure, all of which impact flower visitation rates, pollen deposition and final …
community structure, all of which impact flower visitation rates, pollen deposition and final …
How much is enough? optimizing beehive stocking densities to maximize the production of a pollinator-dependent crop
Animal pollination is essential to guarantee the economic viability of pollination-dependent
crops, and honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) play a central role as the most used species …
crops, and honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) play a central role as the most used species …
[HTML][HTML] Optimal pollination thresholds to maximize blueberry production
Pollination management for highbush blueberry crops (Vaccinium spp.) generally depends
on beehives stocked at variable densities, with little consideration given to optimal …
on beehives stocked at variable densities, with little consideration given to optimal …