Refining decompiled c code with large language models
AC decompiler converts an executable into source code. The recovered C source code,
once re-compiled, is expected to produce an executable with the same functionality as the …
once re-compiled, is expected to produce an executable with the same functionality as the …
Plankton: Reconciling binary code and debug information
Static analysis has been widely used in large-scale software defect detection. Despite recent
advances, it is still not practical enough because it requires compilation interference to …
advances, it is still not practical enough because it requires compilation interference to …
The Convergence of Source Code and Binary Vulnerability Discovery--A Case Study
Decompilers are tools designed to recover a high-level language representation (typically in
C code) from program binaries. Over the past five years, decompilers have improved …
C code) from program binaries. Over the past five years, decompilers have improved …
What you trace is what you get: dynamic stack-layout recovery for binary recompilation
Users of proprietary and/or legacy programs without vendor support are denied the
significant advances in compiler technologies of the past decades. Adapting these …
significant advances in compiler technologies of the past decades. Adapting these …
A semantics-based approach on binary function similarity detection
As a fundamental component of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, firmware plays an essential
role. Nowadays, the development of IoT firmware relies extensively on third-party …
role. Nowadays, the development of IoT firmware relies extensively on third-party …
Polynima: Practical hybrid recompilation for multithreaded binaries
The maintenance of software distributed in its binary form can become challenging over
time, due to the lack of vendor support or obsolete build environments. This can be costly …
time, due to the lack of vendor support or obsolete build environments. This can be costly …
Linux IoT Malware Variant Classification Using Binary Lifting and Opcode Entropy
Binary function analysis is fundamental in understanding the behavior and genealogy of
malware. The detection, classification, and analysis of Linux IoT malware and its variants …
malware. The detection, classification, and analysis of Linux IoT malware and its variants …
Evmbt: A binary translation scheme for upgrading evm smart contracts to wasm
Ethereum is the first and largest blockchain that supports smart contracts. To enhance
scalability and security, one major planned change of Ethereum 2.0 (Eth2) is to upgrade the …
scalability and security, one major planned change of Ethereum 2.0 (Eth2) is to upgrade the …
Forward-mode automatic differentiation of compiled programs
Algorithmic differentiation (AD) is a set of techniques that provide partial derivatives of
computer-implemented functions. Such functions can be supplied to state-of-the-art AD tools …
computer-implemented functions. Such functions can be supplied to state-of-the-art AD tools …
LiftFuzz: Validating Binary Lifters through Context-aware Fuzzing with GPT
Analyzing binary code is vital for software engineering and security research, particularly
when the source code is unavailable. However, understanding, modifying, and retargeting …
when the source code is unavailable. However, understanding, modifying, and retargeting …