Enriching sociocultural perspectives on the effects of idealized body norms: Integrating shame, positive body image, and self-compassion
Body image is an integral aspect of the psychology of the self. Idealized body images are
ubiquitous in both traditional media forms (eg, magazines, television) and social media (eg …
ubiquitous in both traditional media forms (eg, magazines, television) and social media (eg …
[HTML][HTML] Associations between body appreciation and disordered eating in a large sample of adolescents
Body appreciation is one of the main facets of a positive body image. The present study
aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Lithuanian version of the Body …
aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Lithuanian version of the Body …
Risk and protective factors of disordered eating in adolescents based on gender and body mass index
The current study aimed to identify potential psychosocial risk and protective factors
contributing to eating disorders in adolescents, and observe any differences between …
contributing to eating disorders in adolescents, and observe any differences between …
Cross-cultural measurement invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 across five countries
Abstract The Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2; Tylka & Wood-Barcalow, 2015a, 2015b) is
a widely used measure of positive body image within many cultures and countries; yet, cross …
a widely used measure of positive body image within many cultures and countries; yet, cross …
The Experience of Embodiment Scale: An examination of its psychometric properties in women from the Republic of Cyprus
The Experience of Embodiment Scale (EES) is a recently developed instrument that
assesses experiences of living in the body. Here, we prepared a novel Greek translation of …
assesses experiences of living in the body. Here, we prepared a novel Greek translation of …
Psychometric properties of a Greek translation of the Functionality Appreciation Scale (FAS) in adults from the Republic of Cyprus
Abstract The Functionality Appreciation Scale is a widely used instrument for the
measurement of an individual's appreciation of their body for what it can do and is capable …
measurement of an individual's appreciation of their body for what it can do and is capable …
Cross-validation of the Body Appreciation Scale-2: Invariance across sex, body mass index, and age in Mexican adolescents
Cross-validation is a useful strategy to address problems associated with the post hoc model
fitting. The aim of this study was to cross-validate the BAS-2, in two samples (Calibration and …
fitting. The aim of this study was to cross-validate the BAS-2, in two samples (Calibration and …
Factor structure and psychometric properties of a Korean translation of the body appreciation scale-2
M Lee - Body Image, 2022 - Elsevier
The applicability of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) in a Korean context is still
unexplored, even though awareness of the importance of a positive body image has …
unexplored, even though awareness of the importance of a positive body image has …
An examination of the factor structure and preliminary assessment of the psychometric properties of a Hebrew translation of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2)
Abstract The Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) is a widely-used, 10-item measure of a
core facet of positive body image. To extend its use internationally, we examined the factor …
core facet of positive body image. To extend its use internationally, we examined the factor …
Validation of a Greek adaptation of the Anti‐Fat Attitudes Questionnaire
Summary The Anti‐Fat Attitudes Questionnaire (AFA) measures prejudicial attitudes that are
held about individuals with overweight BMI or obesity. Despite increased interest in research …
held about individuals with overweight BMI or obesity. Despite increased interest in research …