[PDF][PDF] Startup company valuation: The state of art and future trends
The aim of this conceptual article is to present a systematic literature review about the most
used and innovative startup valuation methods to define the state of art and future trends on …
used and innovative startup valuation methods to define the state of art and future trends on …
Determinants of successful loan application at peer-to-peer lending market
Peer-to-peer lending, as an alternative to classic bank loans, has become popular all over
the world. On the basis of the conceptual characteristics, it can be expected that loans …
the world. On the basis of the conceptual characteristics, it can be expected that loans …
A study on the determinants of investment in startup accelerators
J Heo - Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and …, 2020 - koreascience.kr
Startup accelerators are a new type of investors providing a certain amount of shares for
imparting education, mentoring, networking, and providing space and seed money that can …
imparting education, mentoring, networking, and providing space and seed money that can …
스타트업 액셀러레이터의 투자결정요인에 대한 연구
허주연 - 벤처창업연구, 2020 - dbpia.co.kr
스타트업 액셀러레이터는 초기창업자들이 겪는 애로사항을 직접적으로 해결해 줄 수 있는
교육, 멘토링, 네트워킹, 공간, 시드머니 (Seed money) 등을 제공하고 일정 지분을 받는 새로운 …
교육, 멘토링, 네트워킹, 공간, 시드머니 (Seed money) 등을 제공하고 일정 지분을 받는 새로운 …
Understanding startup valuation and its impact on startup ecosystem
Startups play a substantial role in the economic growth of a nation, by introducing new
technologies, ground-breaking innovation, creating jobs, etc. A couple of decades back, it …
technologies, ground-breaking innovation, creating jobs, etc. A couple of decades back, it …
Startups Valuation in a Rapidly Evolving Entrepreneurial Landscape: A Systematic Review
In recent years, global innovation and entrepreneurship surged due to market dynamics,
tech advancements, and a hunger for disruptive ventures. This led to more startups and …
tech advancements, and a hunger for disruptive ventures. This led to more startups and …
Start-ups, bearers of innovation in globalizing environment and their valuation
V Achimská - SHS Web of Conferences, 2020 - shs-conferences.org
The paper presents chosen methods of star-up valuation. In the context of globalization,
innovations are clearly bearers of a potential enterprises' competitiveness, start-ups are …
innovations are clearly bearers of a potential enterprises' competitiveness, start-ups are …
The Impact of External Environmental Factors, Entrepreneurial Motivation, Social Support, and Business Knowledge on the Success of Start-ups
This research explores the intricate dynamics influencing the success of start-up ventures,
focusing on the interactions between external environmental factors, entrepreneurial …
focusing on the interactions between external environmental factors, entrepreneurial …
A proposal to estimate the valuation of small and medium size companies using geographically comparable information
M Mate, P Occhino - Small Business International Review (SBIR), 2020 - econstor.eu
A common prerequisite in valuation analysis is the availability of temporal information on
financial variables. Nevertheless, reduced size companies-representing more than 98% on …
financial variables. Nevertheless, reduced size companies-representing more than 98% on …
[PDF][PDF] Strategic flexibility and Business valuation
P Ström - 2023 - kclpure.kcl.ac.uk
Business valuation1 is essential at every stage of the firm life cycle, from establishing
investment value for early and later stage growth venture capital funding to pricing of private …
investment value for early and later stage growth venture capital funding to pricing of private …