Cognitive distortions as a component and treatment focus of pathological gambling: a review.

EE Fortune, AS Goodie - Psychology of addictive behaviors, 2012‏ -
The literature on the role of cognitive distortions in the understanding and treatment of
pathological gambling (PG) is reviewed, with sections focusing on (a) conceptual …

Prevention of problem gambling: A comprehensive review of the evidence and identified best practices

RJ Williams, BL West, RI Simpson - 2012‏ -
The past 15 years has seen a considerable amount of interest and effort being put into
develo** strategies to prevent problem gambling. Unfortunately, the development …

[ספר][B] Writing empirical research reports: A basic guide for students of the social and behavioral sciences

MC Galvan, F Pyrczak - 2023‏ -
Writing Empirical Research Reports: A Basic Guide for Students of the Social and
Behavioral Sciences, Ninth Edition, offers clear and practical guidance on how to write …

Gambling as a form of risk-taking: Individual differences in personality, risk-accepting attitudes, and behavioral preferences for risk

S Mishra, ML Lalumière, RJ Williams - Personality and individual …, 2010‏ - Elsevier
Substantial evidence suggests that various forms of risk-taking co-occur within individuals.
We examined whether indicators of risk-propensity, including self-reported personality traits …

Lottery gambling: A review

V Ariyabuddhiphongs - Journal of Gambling Studies, 2011‏ - Springer
This paper presents an exhaustive review of the literature on lottery gambling involving
numbers games, lotto, and scratch cards. Results provide tentative answers to the question …

Impact of mode of display and message content of responsible gambling signs for electronic gaming machines on regular gamblers

S Monaghan, A Blaszczynski - Journal of Gambling Studies, 2010‏ - Springer
Harm-minimization strategies aim to reduce gambling-related risks; however, minimal
evidence supports the effectiveness of current strategies involving the placement of warning …

The neural bases of cognitive processes in gambling disorder

MN Potenza - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2014‏ -
Functional imaging is offering powerful new tools to investigate the neurobiology of cognitive
functioning in people with and without psychiatric conditions like gambling disorder. Based …

The use of personalized behavioral feedback for online gamblers: an empirical study

MM Auer, MD Griffiths - Frontiers in psychology, 2015‏ -
Over the last few years, online gambling has become a more common leisure time activity.
However, for a small minority, the activity can become problematic. Consequently, the …

Are sports bettors looking at responsible gambling messages? An eye-tracking study on wagering advertisements

L Lole, EN Li, AM Russell, N Greer… - Journal of Behavioral …, 2019‏ -
Background and aims The broadcast of wagering advertisements during televised sports
matches has been associated with various adverse outcomes. In order to counter these …

The relationship between gambling fallacies and problem gambling.

CA Leonard, RJ Williams - Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 2016‏ -
The cognitive model of problem gambling posits that erroneous gambling-related fallacies
are key in the development and maintenance of problem gambling. However, this contention …