Numerical analysis of Marangoni convective flow of gyrotactic microorganisms in dusty Jeffrey hybrid nanofluid over a Riga plate with Soret and Dufour effects
The proposed study explores the effects of thermo-solutal Marangoni convection on radiated
Jeffrey fluid in the presence of gyrotactic microorganisms, nanoparticles and dust particles …
Jeffrey fluid in the presence of gyrotactic microorganisms, nanoparticles and dust particles …
Unsteady mix convectional stagnation point flow of nanofluid over a movable electro-magnetohydrodynamics Riga plate numerical approach
The flow at a time-independent separable stagnation point on a Riga plate under thermal
radiation and electro-magnetohydrodynamic settings is examined in this research. Two …
radiation and electro-magnetohydrodynamic settings is examined in this research. Two …
Analytical investigation of hydromagnetic ferro-nanofluid flowing via rotating convergent/divergent channels
This paper investigates the hydro-magnetic ferro-nanofluid flow through rotating
converging/diverging channels. Using appropriate transformation, the partial differential …
converging/diverging channels. Using appropriate transformation, the partial differential …
[HTML][HTML] Free convection flow of hybrid ferrofluid past a heated spinning cone
This paper analyzes the implementation of numerical computation based on the Iterative
Power Series (IPS) method to investigate the steady boundary layer flow around and free …
Power Series (IPS) method to investigate the steady boundary layer flow around and free …
Novel numerical and artificial neural computing with experimental validation towards unsteady micropolar nanofluid flow across a Riga plate
Fluid flow across a Riga Plate is a specialized phenomenon studied in boundary layer flow
and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) applications. The Riga Plate is a magnetized surface …
and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) applications. The Riga Plate is a magnetized surface …
Boundary layer stagnation point flow and heat transfer over a nonlinear stretching/shrinking sheet in hybrid carbon nanotubes: numerical analysis and response …
The present study aims to offer new numerical solutions and optimisation strategies for the
fluid flow and heat transfer behaviour at a stagnation point through a nonlinear sheet that is …
fluid flow and heat transfer behaviour at a stagnation point through a nonlinear sheet that is …
Numerical analysis of the chemically reactive EMHD flow of a nanofluid past a bi-directional Riga plate influenced by velocity slips and convective boundary …
This report presents the three-dimensional electromagnetohydrodynamic flow of a zinc-
oxide–water nanofluid past a bidirectional Riga plate with velocity slips and thermal and …
oxide–water nanofluid past a bidirectional Riga plate with velocity slips and thermal and …
Numerical Analysis of Forced Convection of Nanofluid under Turbulent Flow between Two Parallel Plates
I Pishkar, SM Hoseini - Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
As research shows, in new and renewable energy systems, including solar energy, the study
of turbulent flow is of great importance due to its high efficiency in heat transfer. It is also …
of turbulent flow is of great importance due to its high efficiency in heat transfer. It is also …
[PDF][PDF] Thermal Science and Engineering Progress
This paper analyzes the implementation of numerical computation based on the Iterative
Power Series (IPS) method to investigate the steady boundary layer flow around and free …
Power Series (IPS) method to investigate the steady boundary layer flow around and free …