Resilience in the workplace: A multilevel review and synthesis
In an increasingly dynamic business environment, the concept of resilience is fundamental
to understanding how employees successfully handle adversity. Yet, the operationalisation …
to understanding how employees successfully handle adversity. Yet, the operationalisation …
Drowning in silence: a scale development and validation of quiet quitting and quiet firing
Purpose This study aims to develop and validate two scales: quiet quitting (QQ), measuring
individual-level work disengagement, low organisational commitment and not going above …
individual-level work disengagement, low organisational commitment and not going above …
Market turbulence and service innovation in hospitality: examining the underlying mechanisms of employee and organizational resilience
With changing customer demand, fierce market competition, and uncertainties, service
organizations are facing dynamic or even highly turbulent environments. Fostering …
organizations are facing dynamic or even highly turbulent environments. Fostering …
The effect of hotel employee resilience during COVID-19: The moderation role of perceived risk and challenge stressors
The effect of hotel employee resilience during major crises lacks sufficient empirical
investigation. This research aimed to develop a conceptual model of hotel employee …
investigation. This research aimed to develop a conceptual model of hotel employee …
[PDF][PDF] Employee resilience and leadership styles: The moderating role of proactive personality and optimism
Resilience has merited growing interest in psychology and management research, given its
potential to drive important organisational outcomes. Yet, there is limited understanding of …
potential to drive important organisational outcomes. Yet, there is limited understanding of …
Humble leadership and employee resilience: exploring the mediating mechanism of work-related promotion focus and perceived insider identity
Although the topic of employee resilience has recently received increased attention, existing
research has largely failed to explore its situational triggers. Drawing on social information …
research has largely failed to explore its situational triggers. Drawing on social information …
[HTML][HTML] Rebuilding the workplace in the post-pandemic age through human capital development programs: A moderated mediation model
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has experienced major technological and
procedural changes that will continue in the post-pandemic age. For this reason, firms are …
procedural changes that will continue in the post-pandemic age. For this reason, firms are …
Workplace resources and employee resilience: The role of regulatory profiles
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the independent and joint effects of
regulatory focus (promotion and prevention) on the relationship between workplace …
regulatory focus (promotion and prevention) on the relationship between workplace …
Operationalizing digital resilience–A systematic literature review on opportunities and challenges
V Kohn - 2023 - scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu
Building a digital resilience (ie, capabilities to design, deploy and use information systems
(IS) to adjust to changes caused by external shocks) may prepare individuals, organizations …
(IS) to adjust to changes caused by external shocks) may prepare individuals, organizations …
The mediating role of career resilience on the relationship between career competency and career success: an empirical investigation
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate the relationships between
career competency, career resilience and career success. The study further examines the …
career competency, career resilience and career success. The study further examines the …