Queer linguistics and identity: The past decade

L Jones - Journal of Language and Sexuality, 2021 - jbe-platform.com
In this short essay, I offer some reflections on language and sexuality work over the past
decade. My discussion is focused on the increasing influence of queer theory, in particular …

Radical contingency, radical historicity and the spread of 'homosexualism': A diachronic corpus-based critical discourse analysis of queer representation in The Times …

M Wilkinson - Discourse, Context & Media, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper suggests that LGBTQI representation in The Times does more than simply
construct queer subjects. Rather, by representing a sexualised Other, the language of The …

Opposition as victimhood in newspaper debates about same-sex marriage

G Turner, S Mills, I Van der Bom… - Discourse & …, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
In this article, we take a queer linguistics approach to the analysis of data from British
newspaper articles that discuss the introduction of same-sex marriage. Drawing on methods …

Marriage for all ('Ehe fuer alle')?! A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of the marriage equality debate in Germany

U Kania - Critical Discourse Studies, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This study is situated within corpus-assisted discourse analysis (eg Baker, P., & McEnery,
T.(2015). Corpora and discourse studies: Integrating discourse and corpora. London …

[KNIHA][B] Researching language, gender and sexuality: a student guide

H Sauntson - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Researching Language, Gender and Sexuality leads students through the process of
undertaking research in order to explore how gender and sexuality are represented and …

[KNIHA][B] Linguistic dimensions of sexual normativity: Corpus-based evidence

H Motschenbacher - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
This book advances the theorization of normativity as a key concept in language and
sexuality studies, bringing together some of the author's previous work with new material for …

Online discourses of 'homosexuality'and religion: The discussion relating to Islam in Finland

JH Jantunen, S Kytölä - Journal of Language and Sexuality, 2022 - jbe-platform.com
This article examines Finnish online forum discussions where religion and discourses of
'homosexuality'are connected in various ways. Previous research (eg) shows that in Finnish …

Viewpoint detection on LGBT + reporting using contextual embeddings and qualitative thematic analysis: The use case on the word deep

M Martinc, N Perger, S Pollak - Bulletin of Sociological …, 2025 - journals.sagepub.com
This article presents an interdisciplinary study combining advanced natural language
processing techniques by using contextual embeddings and manual thematic analysis. We …

EMBEDDIA hackathon report: Automatic sentiment and viewpoint analysis of Slovenian news corpus on the topic of LGBTIQ+

M Martinc, N Perger, A Pelicon, M Ulčar… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 - aclanthology.org
We conduct automatic sentiment and viewpoint analysis of the newly created Slovenian
news corpus containing articles related to the topic of LGBTIQ+ by employing the state-of-the …

[HTML][HTML] Anywhere but here: Discourses and representations surrounding same-sex marriage in Japanese newspapers

K Yoshimoto - Applied Corpus Linguistics, 2025 - Elsevier
Although support for same-sex marriage has grown in Japan, discussions on its legalisation
have been slow in the Japanese parliament. To contribute to a more meaningful discussion …