Recent advances in metal sulfides: from controlled fabrication to electrocatalytic, photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical water splitting and beyond
In recent years, nanocrystals of metal sulfide materials have attracted scientific research
interest for renewable energy applications due to the abundant choice of materials with …
interest for renewable energy applications due to the abundant choice of materials with …
Electrochemistry of nanostructured layered transition-metal dichalcogenides
Layered inorganic systems exhibit many technologically important and scientifically
interesting properties, often linked to their anisotropy. A typical example is graphite, which …
interesting properties, often linked to their anisotropy. A typical example is graphite, which …
Nitrogen-doped graphene encapsulated FeCoMoS nanoparticles as advanced trifunctional catalyst for water splitting devices and zinc–air batteries
Emerging demands for the highly active, durable, and cost-effective trifunctional catalysts for
overall water splitting and metal–air batteries in the scientific community. Herein, a novel …
overall water splitting and metal–air batteries in the scientific community. Herein, a novel …
Nanostructured binary and ternary metal sulfides: synthesis methods and their application in energy conversion and storage devices
Metal sulfides, known as being analogous to metal oxides, have emerged as a new class of
materials for energy conversion and/or storage applications due to their low cost and high …
materials for energy conversion and/or storage applications due to their low cost and high …
Earth-abundant inorganic electrocatalysts and their nanostructures for energy conversion applications
MS Faber, S ** - Energy & Environmental Science, 2014 -
Electrocatalysis plays a key role in the energy conversion processes central to several
renewable energy technologies that have been developed to lessen our reliance on fossil …
renewable energy technologies that have been developed to lessen our reliance on fossil …
A review of the stability and durability of non-precious metal catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in proton exchange membrane fuel cells
D Banham, S Ye, K Pei, J Ozaki, T Kishimoto… - Journal of Power …, 2015 - Elsevier
A major hurdle to the widespread commercialization of proton exchange membrane fuel
cells (PEMFCs) is the high loading of noble metal (Pt/Pt-alloy) catalyst at the cathode, which …
cells (PEMFCs) is the high loading of noble metal (Pt/Pt-alloy) catalyst at the cathode, which …
First-row transition metal dichalcogenide catalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction
A group of first-row transition metal dichalcogenides (ME2, M= Fe, Co, Ni; E= S, Se) are
introduced as non-precious HER catalysts in an acidic electrolyte. They exhibit excellent …
introduced as non-precious HER catalysts in an acidic electrolyte. They exhibit excellent …
Earth-Abundant Metal Pyrites (FeS2, CoS2, NiS2, and Their Alloys) for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution and Polysulfide Reduction Electrocatalysis
MS Faber, MA Lukowski, Q Ding… - The Journal of …, 2014 - ACS Publications
Many materials have been explored as potential hydrogen evolution reaction (HER)
electrocatalysts to generate clean hydrogen fuel via water electrolysis, but none so far …
electrocatalysts to generate clean hydrogen fuel via water electrolysis, but none so far …
A review on non-precious metal electrocatalysts for PEM fuel cells
With the approaching commercialization of PEM fuel cell technology, develo** active,
inexpensive non-precious metal ORR catalyst materials to replace currently used Pt-based …
inexpensive non-precious metal ORR catalyst materials to replace currently used Pt-based …
Recent advances in transition-metal dichalcogenide based nanomaterials for water splitting
The desire for sustainable and clean energy future continues to be the concern of the
scientific community. Researchers are incessantly targeting the development of scalable …
scientific community. Researchers are incessantly targeting the development of scalable …