[หนังสือ][B] System reliability theory: models, statistical methods, and applications
M Rausand, A Hoyland - 2003 - books.google.com
A thoroughly updated and revised look at system reliability theory Since the first edition of
this popular text was published nearly a decade ago, new standards have changed the …
this popular text was published nearly a decade ago, new standards have changed the …
An integrated framework for online diagnostic and prognostic health monitoring using a multistate deterioration process
Efficient asset management is of paramount importance, particularly for systems with costly
downtime and failure. As in energy and capital-intensive industries, the economic loss of …
downtime and failure. As in energy and capital-intensive industries, the economic loss of …
Degradation-based maintenance decision using stochastic filtering for systems under imperfect maintenance
The notion of imperfect maintenance has spawned a large body of literature, and many
imperfect maintenance models have been developed. However, there is very little work on …
imperfect maintenance models have been developed. However, there is very little work on …
Integrated control policy of production and preventive maintenance for a deteriorating manufacturing system
K Kang, V Subramaniam - Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper addresses the integrated control of production and preventive maintenance for a
deteriorating single-machine manufacturing system. The machine is subjected to …
deteriorating single-machine manufacturing system. The machine is subjected to …
Intermittent failure dynamics characterization
A Correcher, E García, F Morant… - IEEE transactions on …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Diagnosis of intermittent failures is relevant for productive processes which sustain a high
level of maintenance caused by failures. Systems including electrical contacts suffer a …
level of maintenance caused by failures. Systems including electrical contacts suffer a …
Estimating maintenance effectiveness of a repairable system under time-based preventive maintenance
Corrective maintenance (CM) is carried out to correct failures while preventive maintenance
(PM) is to avert failure. They both play an important role in asset management. Accurately …
(PM) is to avert failure. They both play an important role in asset management. Accurately …
A general model, estimation, and procedure for modeling recurrent failure process of high-voltage circuit breakers considering multivariate impacts
W Hu, P Westerlund, P Hilber, C Chen… - Reliability engineering & …, 2022 - Elsevier
The high-voltage circuit breaker (HV CB) constitutes an important repairable asset in power
systems. Due to its great number in the power network and strategic role in the successful …
systems. Due to its great number in the power network and strategic role in the successful …
Optimal warranty design and post-warranty maintenance for products subject to stochastic degradation
Warranty policy, as a marketing strategy, has been widely studied for several decades, but
warranty models incorporating condition-based maintenance are still rare. In condition …
warranty models incorporating condition-based maintenance are still rare. In condition …
Analytical properties of an imperfect repair model and application in preventive maintenance scheduling
DT Nguyen, Y Dijoux, M Fouladirad - European Journal of Operational …, 2017 - Elsevier
The paper considers repairable systems under imperfect repair. The failure rate of a new
system is assumed to follow a Weibull distribution and the repair efficiency is characterized …
system is assumed to follow a Weibull distribution and the repair efficiency is characterized …
ARA and ARI imperfect repair models: Estimation, goodness-of-fit and reliability prediction
MLG de Toledo, MA Freitas, EA Colosimo… - Reliability Engineering & …, 2015 - Elsevier
An appropriate maintenance policy is essential to reduce expenses and risks related to
equipment failures. A fundamental aspect to be considered when specifying such policies is …
equipment failures. A fundamental aspect to be considered when specifying such policies is …