Worldwide pesticide usage and its impacts on ecosystem
Pesticides are extensively used in modern agriculture and are an effective and economical
way to enhance the yield quality and quantity, thus ensuring food security for the ever …
way to enhance the yield quality and quantity, thus ensuring food security for the ever …
Pyrethroid pesticide residues in the global environment: An overview
W Tang, DI Wang, J Wang, Z Wu, L Li, M Huang, S Xu… - Chemosphere, 2018 - Elsevier
Pyrethroids are synthetic organic insecticides with low mammalian toxicity that are widely
used in both rural and urban areas worldwide. After entering the natural environment …
used in both rural and urban areas worldwide. After entering the natural environment …
A review on occurrences, eco-toxic effects, and remediation of emerging contaminants from wastewater: special emphasis on biological treatment based hybrid …
The ubiquitous presence of emerging contaminants (ECs), such as pharmaceutically active
compounds, personal care products, pesticides, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, etc., in the …
compounds, personal care products, pesticides, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, etc., in the …
Global occurrence of pyrethroid insecticides in sediment and the associated toxicological effects on benthic invertebrates: an overview
Pyrethroids are the third most applied group of insecticides worldwide and are extensively
used in agricultural and non-agricultural applications. Pyrethroids exhibit low toxicity to …
used in agricultural and non-agricultural applications. Pyrethroids exhibit low toxicity to …
Effects of common environmental endocrine-disrupting chemicals on zebrafish behavior
Y Tao, Z Li, Y Yang, Y Jiao, J Qu, Y Wang, Y Zhang - Water Research, 2022 - Elsevier
Environmental endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), a type of exogenous organic
pollutants, are ubiquitous in natural aquatic environments. Therefor, this review focused on …
pollutants, are ubiquitous in natural aquatic environments. Therefor, this review focused on …
Ecological risk assessment of current-use pesticides and biocides in soils, sediments and surface water of a mixed land-use basin of the Pampas region, Argentina
The present study aimed to assess the ecological risk of 30 current-use agricultural
pesticides and biocides in the soil, sediments and aquatic organisms of a mixed land-use …
pesticides and biocides in the soil, sediments and aquatic organisms of a mixed land-use …
Toxicity effects of pesticides based on zebrafish (Danio rerio) models: Advances and perspectives
J Cui, S Tian, Y Gu, X Wu, L Wang, J Wang, X Chen… - Chemosphere, 2023 - Elsevier
Pesticides inevitably enter aquatic environments, posing potential risks to organisms. The
common aquatic model organism, zebrafish (Danio rerio), are widely used to evaluate the …
common aquatic model organism, zebrafish (Danio rerio), are widely used to evaluate the …
Microplastics biomonitoring in Australian urban wetlands using a common noxious fish (Gambusia holbrooki)
Biomonitoring microplastics in freshwater ecosystems has been insufficient in comparison
with its practice in marine environments. It is an important first step to understand …
with its practice in marine environments. It is an important first step to understand …
Combining chemometrics and sensors: Toward new applications in monitoring and environmental analysis
For many years, an extensive array of chemometric methods have provided a platform upon
which a quantitative description of environmental conditions can be obtained. Applying …
which a quantitative description of environmental conditions can be obtained. Applying …
Cypermethrin induced toxicities in fish and adverse health outcomes: Its prevention and control measure adaptation
Pesticides are being widely employed in the modern agriculture, though in different
quantities, across the globe. Although it is useful for crops yield enhancement, however …
quantities, across the globe. Although it is useful for crops yield enhancement, however …