Human–wildlife conflict and coexistence
PJ Nyhus - Annual review of environment and resources, 2016 - annualreviews.org
Human interactions with wildlife are a defining experience of human existence. These
interactions can be positive or negative. People compete with wildlife for food and …
interactions can be positive or negative. People compete with wildlife for food and …
Living with wolves: A worldwide systematic review of attitudes
This systematic review of peer reviewed articles on attitudes towards gray wolves (Canis
lupus), shows that attitudes are mainly measured either by mean values of attitudes or by …
lupus), shows that attitudes are mainly measured either by mean values of attitudes or by …
Predicting ranchers' intention to kill jaguars: case studies in Amazonia and Pantanal
The killing of jaguars by ranchers in Amazonia and the Pantanal is a major threat to the
species. We used the Theory of Planned Behavior to examine the role of ranchers' …
species. We used the Theory of Planned Behavior to examine the role of ranchers' …
Longitudinal analysis of attitudes toward wolves
A Treves, L Naughton‐Treves… - Conservation Biology, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Understanding individual attitudes and how these predict overt opposition to predator
conservation or direct, covert action against predators will help to recover and maintain …
conservation or direct, covert action against predators will help to recover and maintain …
Changes in attitudes toward animals in the United States from 1978 to 2014
More than three decades ago, Stephen Kellert surveyed> 3000 Americans to gain a better
understanding of their attitudes toward wildlife. We used a web-based questionnaire to …
understanding of their attitudes toward wildlife. We used a web-based questionnaire to …
The human dimension in addressing conflict with large carnivores
Human‐large carnivore conflict is a crucially important conservation issue. As humans are
the common thread in the highly variable arena of human‐wildlife conflict, and the course …
the common thread in the highly variable arena of human‐wildlife conflict, and the course …
Combining human acceptance and habitat suitability in a unified socio‐ecological suitability model: A case study of the wolf in Switzerland
Habitat suitability models (HSMs) are commonly used in conservation practise to assess the
potential of an area to be occupied and colonised. A major limitation of these models …
potential of an area to be occupied and colonised. A major limitation of these models …
[HTML][HTML] Perceptions and attitudes to understand human-wildlife conflict in an urban landscape–A systematic review
SM Basak, E Rostovskaya, J Birks, IA Wierzbowska - Ecological Indicators, 2023 - Elsevier
Managing human-wildlife conflicts (HWC) in human-dominated habitats is an important
issue in wildlife conservation. Understanding and addressing local people's attitudes and …
issue in wildlife conservation. Understanding and addressing local people's attitudes and …
Farmers' perceptions of biodiversity: Lessons from a discourse-based deliberative valuation study
In agricultural landscapes farmers have a large impact on biodiversity through the
management decisions they apply to their land. Farmers' perceptions of biodiversity and its …
management decisions they apply to their land. Farmers' perceptions of biodiversity and its …
Attitudes toward wolves in the United States and Canada: a content analysis of the print news media, 1999–2008
MJ Houston, JT Bruskotter, D Fan - Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Several trends indicate public attitudes toward wolves and other charismatic wildlife
changed during the 20th century. However, empirical studies indicate relative stability in …
changed during the 20th century. However, empirical studies indicate relative stability in …