Global cracking elements: a novel tool for Galerkin‐based approaches simulating quasi‐brittle fracture

Y Zhang, HA Mang - International Journal for Numerical …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Following the so‐called cracking elements method (CEM), we propose a novel Galerkin‐
based numerical approach for simulating quasi‐brittle fracture, named global cracking …

Reinforcement learning for automatic quadrilateral mesh generation: A soft actor–critic approach

J Pan, J Huang, G Cheng, Y Zeng - Neural Networks, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper proposes, implements, and evaluates a reinforcement learning (RL)-based
computational framework for automatic mesh generation. Mesh generation plays a …

A finite element method integrated with Terzaghi's principle to estimate settlement of a building due to tunnel construction

CA Rodríguez, ÁM Rodríguez-Pérez, R López… - Buildings, 2023 -
This study presents the application of the finite element method integrated with Terzaghi's
principle. The definition of a model in oedometric or confinement conditions for settlement …

Thermal-conductivity degradation across cracks in coupled thermo-mechanical systems modeled by the phase-field fracture method

L Svolos, CA Bronkhorst, H Waisman - … of the Mechanics and Physics of …, 2020 - Elsevier
Dynamic loading of polycrystalline metallic materials can result in brittle or ductile fracture
depending on the loading rates, geometry and material type. At high strain rates, mechanical …

Design and control benchmark of rib-stiffened concrete slabs equipped with an adaptive tensioning system

AP Reksowardojo, G Senatore, M Bischoff… - Journal of Structural …, 2024 -
Floor systems are typically designed to satisfy tight deflection limits under out-of-plane
loading. Although the use of concrete flat slabs is common in the built environment due to …

The impact of the electrical behavior of oil-brine-rock interfaces on the ionic transport rate in a thin film, hydrodynamic pressure, and low salinity waterflooding effect

A Pourakaberian, H Mahani, V Niasar - Colloids and Surfaces A …, 2021 - Elsevier
Wettability alteration is the principal low-salinity-effect (LSE) in many oil-brine-rock (OBR)
systems. Our recent experimental results have demonstrated that wettability alteration by low …

Surrogate-assisted multiobjective optimization of a hydraulically fractured well in a naturally fractured shale reservoir with geological uncertainty

H Zhang, JJ Sheng - SPE Journal, 2022 -
Hydraulic fracturing is the most widely used technology for the commercial exploitation of
shale-gas reservoirs, yet still faces high cost and development risk caused by many …

Off-centre Steiner points for Delaunay-refinement on curved surfaces

D Engwirda, D Ivers - Computer-Aided Design, 2016 - Elsevier
An extension of the restricted Delaunay-refinement algorithm for surface mesh generation is
described, where a new point-placement scheme is introduced to improve element quality in …

A frontal approach to hex-dominant mesh generation

TC Baudouin, JF Remacle, E Marchandise… - Advanced Modeling and …, 2014 - Springer
Background Indirect quad mesh generation methods rely on an initial triangular mesh. So
called triangle-merge techniques are then used to recombine the triangles of the initial mesh …

A second-order flexibility-based beam-column element with member imperfection

ZL Du, YP Liu, SL Chan - Engineering Structures, 2017 - Elsevier
In this paper, a new flexibility-based beam-column element with member initial imperfection
is proposed for direct analysis or second-order inelastic analysis of steel structures. In past …