[HTML][HTML] New developments in relativistic magnetohydrodynamics
Relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) provides an extremely useful description of the
low-energy long-wavelength phenomena in a variety of physical systems from quark–gluon …
low-energy long-wavelength phenomena in a variety of physical systems from quark–gluon …
Electrical conductivity of hot relativistic plasma in a strong magnetic field
We employ first-principles quantum field theoretical methods to investigate the longitudinal
and transverse electrical conductivities of a strongly magnetized hot quantum …
and transverse electrical conductivities of a strongly magnetized hot quantum …
Electrical conductivity of the quark-gluon plasma in the presence of strong magnetic fields
We compute the electrical conductivity of the strongly interacting medium in the presence of
strong magnetic background fields, e B= 4, 9 GeV 2, and for different values of the …
strong magnetic background fields, e B= 4, 9 GeV 2, and for different values of the …
Shear viscosity of hadronic matter at finite temperature and magnetic field
We calculate the transport coefficient of hadronic matter in the presence of temperature and
magnetic field using the linear sigma model. In the relaxation time approximation, we …
magnetic field using the linear sigma model. In the relaxation time approximation, we …
Quantum version of transport coefficients in Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model at finite temperature and strong magnetic field
We have estimated parallel and perpendicular components of electrical conductivity and
shear viscosity of quark matter at finite magnetic field and temperature by using their one …
shear viscosity of quark matter at finite magnetic field and temperature by using their one …
Anisotropic charge transport in strongly magnetized relativistic matter
We investigate electrical charge transport in hot magnetized plasma using first-principles
quantum field theoretical methods. By employing Kubo's linear response theory, we express …
quantum field theoretical methods. By employing Kubo's linear response theory, we express …
Revisiting shear stress tensor evolution: Nonresistive magnetohydrodynamics with momentum-dependent relaxation time
This study aims to develop second-order relativistic viscous magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
derived from kinetic theory within an extended relaxation time approximation …
derived from kinetic theory within an extended relaxation time approximation …
Effect of Coriolis force on electrical conductivity tensor for the rotating hadron resonance gas
We have investigated the influence of the Coriolis force on the electrical conductivity of
hadronic matter formed in relativistic nuclear collisions, employing the hadron resonance …
hadronic matter formed in relativistic nuclear collisions, employing the hadron resonance …
Quantum field theoretical structure of electrical conductivity of cold and dense fermionic matter in the presence of a magnetic field
We have gone through a detailed calculation of the two-point correlation function of vector
currents at finite density and magnetic field by employing the real time formalism of finite …
currents at finite density and magnetic field by employing the real time formalism of finite …
Magnetic-field-dependent electric-charge transport in hadronic medium at finite temperature
Electric charge transport of hadronic matter at finite temperature and magnetic field is
studied within the linear σ model. Anisotropic transport coefficients associated with the …
studied within the linear σ model. Anisotropic transport coefficients associated with the …