Smart cities: A survey on data management, security, and enabling technologies
Integrating the various embedded devices and systems in our environment enables an
Internet of Things (IoT) for a smart city. The IoT will generate tremendous amount of data that …
Internet of Things (IoT) for a smart city. The IoT will generate tremendous amount of data that …
A survey on jamming attacks and countermeasures in WSNs
Jamming represents the most serious security threat in the field of wireless sensor networks
(WSNs), as it can easily put out of order even WSNs that utilize strong highlayer security …
(WSNs), as it can easily put out of order even WSNs that utilize strong highlayer security …
Wireless sensor networks for healthcare: A survey
Becoming mature enough to be used for improving the quality of life, wireless sensor
network technologies are considered as one of the key research areas in computer science …
network technologies are considered as one of the key research areas in computer science …
PSSPR: a source location privacy protection scheme based on sector phantom routing in WSNs
Source location privacy (SLP) protection is an emerging research topic in wireless sensor
networks. Because the source location represents the valuable information of the target …
networks. Because the source location represents the valuable information of the target …
Design and implementation of smart home energy management systems based on zigbee
DM Han, JH Lim - IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Today, organizations use IEEE802. 15.4 and ZigBee to effectively deliver solutions for a
variety of areas including consumer electronic device control, energy management and …
variety of areas including consumer electronic device control, energy management and …
Exploiting IoT technologies for enhancing Health Smart Homes through patient identification and emotion recognition
Currently, there is an increasing number of patients that are treated in-home, mainly in
countries such as Japan, USA and Europe. As well as this, the number of elderly people has …
countries such as Japan, USA and Europe. As well as this, the number of elderly people has …
How the internet of things technology enhances emergency response operations
L Yang, SH Yang, L Plotnick - Technological Forecasting and Social …, 2013 - Elsevier
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is a novel paradigm that connects the pervasive
presence around us of a variety of things or objects to the Internet by using wireless/wired …
presence around us of a variety of things or objects to the Internet by using wireless/wired …
ATPC: Adaptive transmission power control for wireless sensor networks
Extensive empirical studies presented in this article confirm that the quality of radio
communication between low-power sensor devices varies significantly with time and …
communication between low-power sensor devices varies significantly with time and …
Sensor technology for smart homes
A smart home is a residence equipped with technology that observes the residents and
provides proactive services. Most recently, it has been introduced as a potential solution to …
provides proactive services. Most recently, it has been introduced as a potential solution to …
Programming wireless sensor networks: Fundamental concepts and state of the art
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are attracting great interest in a number of application
domains concerned with monitoring and control of physical phenomena, as they enable …
domains concerned with monitoring and control of physical phenomena, as they enable …