Design thinking integrated in agile software development: A systematic literature review

JC Pereira, R de FSM Russo - Procedia computer science, 2018 - Elsevier
Software development raises the relevance as it enables automation of the processes and
provides new functionalities to the final consumers; Agile Software Development is an …

UX research practices related to long-term UX: A systematic literature review

S Martinelli, L Lopes, L Zaina - Information and Software Technology, 2024 - Elsevier
Context: The software industry has sought to apply User eXperience (UX) practices that can
help maintain a sustainable business. UX practices make it possible to conduct research …

Software development methodologies, HEIs, and the digital economy

K Saeedi, A Visvizi - Education sciences, 2021 -
Progressing digitalization of business, economy, and the society places higher education
institutions (HEIs) in the center of the debate on how to effectively respond to challenges and …

Risk management analysis in Scrum software projects

BG Tavares, CES da Silva… - … in Operational Research, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
One of the reasons for the failure of software projects is the absence of risk management
procedures or its improper application. The adoption of Scrum in software projects is …

Whose experience do we care about? Analysis of the fitness of scrum and kanban to user experience

ELC Law, MK Lárusdóttir - International Journal of Human …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Two project management approaches, Agile and Lean, have increasingly been adopted in
recent years for software development. Meanwhile, in the field of human–computer …

A license to kill–Improving UCSD in Agile development

M Larusdottir, J Gulliksen, Å Cajander - Journal of Systems and Software, 2017 - Elsevier
Agile development processes, such as Scrum, focus on communication, developer
collaboration and delivery of working software early and continuously. User-centered …

Usability driven DSL development with USE-ME

A Barišić, V Amaral, M Goulão - Computer Languages, Systems & …, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract The adoption of Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) is regarded as an approach to
reduce the accidental complexity of software systems development. The availability of …

Existing but not explicit-the user perspective in scrum projects in practice

Å Cajander, M Larusdottir, J Gulliksen - … –INTERACT 2013: 14th IFIP TC 13 …, 2013 - Springer
Agile software development processes are becoming more common, but this does not mean
that the user perspective in the development is catered for. It has its challenges to integrate …

The prevalence of UX design in agile development processes in industry

T Øvad, LB Larsen - 2015 Agile Conference, 2015 -
The gap between how the academic world develops usability and user experience (UX)
methods, and how the industry employs these methods is perceived as both broad and …

Co-designing vacant lots using interactive 3D visualizations-Development and application of the Land. Info DSS

M Lindquist, V Campbell-Arvai - Landscape and Urban Planning, 2021 - Elsevier
Collaborative processes of co-production between end-users and designers can be an
effective means to produce shared understanding about a system and has been shown to …