Association between kinesiophobia and knee pain intensity, joint position sense, and functional performance in individuals with bilateral knee osteoarthritis
In current clinical practice, fear of movement has been considered a significant factor
affecting patient disability and needs to be evaluated and addressed to accomplish …
affecting patient disability and needs to be evaluated and addressed to accomplish …
[HTML][HTML] Relationship between kinesiophobia and ankle joint position sense and postural control in individuals with chronic ankle instability—a cross-sectional study
Functional ankle instability (FAI) is a condition that causes mechanical alterations to the
ankle joint and leads to disability. Fear of movement can significantly influence physical …
ankle joint and leads to disability. Fear of movement can significantly influence physical …
The mediation effect of pain on the relationship between kinesiophobia and lumbar joint position sense in chronic low back pain individuals: a cross-sectional study
(1) Background: Fear of movement (kinesiophobia) and impaired lumbar joint position sense
(LJPS) play a vital role in develo** and maintaining non-specific chronic low back pain …
(LJPS) play a vital role in develo** and maintaining non-specific chronic low back pain …
Unraveling the impact of kinesiophobia on proprioception and balance: Mediation by pain, mobility, and psychological wellbeing in post-total hip replacement …
This study aimed to investigate the relationships between kinesiophobia, proprioception,
and limits of stability in elderly individuals post-THR. Specifically, it sought to assess the …
and limits of stability in elderly individuals post-THR. Specifically, it sought to assess the …
[HTML][HTML] Joint position sense testing at the wrist and its correlations with kinesiophobia and pain intensity in individuals who have sustained a distal radius fracture: A …
R Cantero-Téllez, LA Algar, LC Gambero… - Journal of Hand …, 2024 - Elsevier
Background Sensorimotor impairment following distal radius fracture (DRF) has been
associated with a significant decline in function. Joint position sense (JPS) testing is a …
associated with a significant decline in function. Joint position sense (JPS) testing is a …
An examination of ankle joint position sense, postural control and associated neuromuscular deficits in patients with plantar fasciitis: a cross-sectional analysis with …
Background Ankle joint position sense (AJPS) accuracy and postural control are crucial for
maintaining balance and stability, particularly in individuals with plantar fasciitis who may …
maintaining balance and stability, particularly in individuals with plantar fasciitis who may …
Influence of kinesiophobia on pain intensity, disability, muscle endurance, and position sense in patients with chronic low back pain—a case-control study
PK Kandakurti, W Arulsingh, SS Patil - Trials, 2022 - Springer
Background Patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) frequently present with
kinesiophobia. Though large body of evidence reported the impact of kinesiophobia in …
kinesiophobia. Though large body of evidence reported the impact of kinesiophobia in …
Influence of Kinesiophobia on muscle endurance in patients with chronic low back pain-A case-control study
Background Patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) frequently present with
kinesiophobia. Although kinesiophobia is found to affect outcomes such as affect pain and …
kinesiophobia. Although kinesiophobia is found to affect outcomes such as affect pain and …
Relationship between lower limb muscle strength and kinesiophobia with functional stability and knee function in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction patients: a …
Background: One of the most prevalent knee injuries among athletes is a torn anterior
cruciate ligament (ACL). ACL injuries may lead to various unpleasant symptoms, including …
cruciate ligament (ACL). ACL injuries may lead to various unpleasant symptoms, including …
[PDF][PDF] نآ رب يدركلمع تيعضو و درد رثا مهس دروآرب و ايبوفوزنيك عويش نييعت يبيلص طابر يزاسزاب يحارج ديدناك ناراميب رد
A Moradi, N Abedini - journals.sbmu.ac.ir
Introduction: Since kinesiophobia may be effective on rehabilitation after cruciate ligament
reconstruction surgery and the contribution of its effect has not been estimated in Iranian …
reconstruction surgery and the contribution of its effect has not been estimated in Iranian …