Introductory programming: a systematic literature review
As computing becomes a mainstream discipline embedded in the school curriculum and
acts as an enabler for an increasing range of academic disciplines in higher education, the …
acts as an enabler for an increasing range of academic disciplines in higher education, the …
Gender-inclusive HCI research and design: A conceptual review
Previous research has investigated gender and its implications for HCI. We consider
inclusive design of technology whatever the gender of its users of particular importance. This …
inclusive design of technology whatever the gender of its users of particular importance. This …
[Књига][B] Learner-centered design of computing education: Research on computing for everyone
M Guzdial - 2015 - books.google.com
Computing education is in enormous demand. Many students (both children and adult) are
realizing that they will need programming in the future. This book presents the argument that …
realizing that they will need programming in the future. This book presents the argument that …
How do children's perceptions of machine intelligence change when training and coding smart programs?
Children are increasingly surrounded by AI technologies but can overestimate smart
devices' abilities due to their lack of transparency. Drawing on the sense-making theory, this …
devices' abilities due to their lack of transparency. Drawing on the sense-making theory, this …
GenderMag: A method for evaluating software's gender inclusiveness
In recent years, research into gender differences has established that individual differences
in how people problem-solve often cluster by gender. Research also shows that these …
in how people problem-solve often cluster by gender. Research also shows that these …
From gender biases to gender-inclusive design: An empirical investigation
In recent years, research has revealed gender biases in numerous software products. But
although some researchers have found ways to improve gender participation in specific …
although some researchers have found ways to improve gender participation in specific …
Programming, problem solving, and self-awareness: Effects of explicit guidance
More people are learning to code than ever, but most learning opportunities do not explicitly
teach the problem solving skills necessary to succeed at open-ended programming …
teach the problem solving skills necessary to succeed at open-ended programming …
K-8 learning trajectories derived from research literature: Sequence, repetition, conditionals
Computing curricula are being developed for elementary school classrooms, yet research
evidence is scant for learning trajectories that drive curricular decisions about what topics …
evidence is scant for learning trajectories that drive curricular decisions about what topics …
Family as a Third Space for AI Literacies: How do children and parents learn about AI together?
Many families engage daily with artificial intelligence (AI) applications, from conversations
with a voice assistant to mobile navigation searches. While there are known ways for youth …
with a voice assistant to mobile navigation searches. While there are known ways for youth …
Understanding problem solving behavior of 6–8 graders in a debugging game
Debugging is an over-looked component in K-12 computational thinking education. Few K-
12 programming environments are designed to teach debugging, and most debugging …
12 programming environments are designed to teach debugging, and most debugging …