Fractal geometry in precipitation
Rainfall, or more generally the precipitation process (flux), is a clear example of chaotic
variables resulting from a highly nonlinear dynamical system, the atmosphere, which is …
variables resulting from a highly nonlinear dynamical system, the atmosphere, which is …
Modelling the response of river systems to environmental change: progress, problems and prospects for palaeo-environmental reconstructions
Over the last decade several computational models, and several types of model, have been
developed to simulate the response of river systems to environmental change over time …
developed to simulate the response of river systems to environmental change over time …
Multifractal description of daily rainfall fields over India
This study investigated the scaling characteristics of daily rainfall time series over India and
their spatio-temporal variability using Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (MF-DFA) …
their spatio-temporal variability using Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (MF-DFA) …
Multifractal characterization of meteorological drought in India using detrended fluctuation analysis
This study presents multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF‐DFA) to describe the
multifractality of Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) series from 30 meteorological …
multifractality of Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) series from 30 meteorological …
[HTML][HTML] Scaling, dynamical regimes and stratification: How long does weather last? How big is a cloud?
Until the 1980's, scaling notions were restricted to self-similar homogeneous special cases. I
review developments over the last decades, especially in multifractals and Generalized …
review developments over the last decades, especially in multifractals and Generalized …
Random cascade driven rainfall disaggregation for urban hydrology: An evaluation of six models and a new generator
Six variations of multiplicative random cascade models for generating fine-resolution (ie, 5-
minute interval) rainfall time series were evaluated for rainfall in Wroclaw, Poland. Of these …
minute interval) rainfall time series were evaluated for rainfall in Wroclaw, Poland. Of these …
Multifractality, imperfect scaling and hydrological properties of rainfall time series simulated by continuous universal multifractal and discrete random cascade models
F Serinaldi - Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2010 - npg.copernicus.org
Discrete multiplicative random cascade (MRC) models were extensively studied and applied
to disaggregate rainfall data, thanks to their formal simplicity and the small number of …
to disaggregate rainfall data, thanks to their formal simplicity and the small number of …
Time scale and intensity dependency in multiplicative cascades for temporal rainfall disaggregation
Multiplicative random cascades (MRCs) can parsimoniously generate highly intermittent
patterns similar to those in rainfall. The elemental MRC model parameter is the cascade …
patterns similar to those in rainfall. The elemental MRC model parameter is the cascade …
[HTML][HTML] Scaling and intermittency in time of urban precipitation in Warsaw, Poland
Study region A network of 25 rain gauges roughly covering an area of 517.2 km 2 of
Warsaw, in Poland. Study focus Scaling and intermittency of data series of rainfall intensity …
Warsaw, in Poland. Study focus Scaling and intermittency of data series of rainfall intensity …
Unveiling the climatic origin of streamflow persistence through multifractal analysis of hydro-meteorological datasets of India
Persistence and multifractality are two fundamental properties of hydrological time series.
This study aims at understanding the origin of the Hurst exponent of streamflow time series …
This study aims at understanding the origin of the Hurst exponent of streamflow time series …