Supratransmission phenomenon in a Fermi-Pasta-Ulam diatomic lattice
The nonlinear supratransmission phenomenon in a Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) diatomic lattice
with two forbidden bands is investigated. Using a decoupling ansatz for the motion of the two …
with two forbidden bands is investigated. Using a decoupling ansatz for the motion of the two …
[PDF][PDF] The effect of nonlinear supratransmission in discrete structures: A review
PV Zakharov - Comput. Res. Model, 2023 -
The effect of nonlinear supratransmission is an important property of many discrete
structures. A necessary condition for its existence is the discreteness and nonlinearity of the …
structures. A necessary condition for its existence is the discreteness and nonlinearity of the …
Supratransmission in transversely connected nonlinear pendulum pairs
In this work, we generate a nonlinear supratransmission phenomenon in a chain of coupled
pendulum pairs, where each pendulum is connected to the nearest neighbours in the …
pendulum pairs, where each pendulum is connected to the nearest neighbours in the …
Nonlinear bandgap transmission with zero frequency in a cross-stitch lattice
We consider a model for a cross-stitch lattice with onsite nonlinearity. The linear analysis
and the determination of the homoclinic threshold for this model are carried out theoretically …
and the determination of the homoclinic threshold for this model are carried out theoretically …
Supratransmission in discrete one-dimensional lattices with the cubic–quintic nonlinearity
We numerically analyzed the supratransmission phenomenon in the discrete nonlinear
Schrödinger equation with the cubic–quintic nonlinearity. It has been reported that the …
Schrödinger equation with the cubic–quintic nonlinearity. It has been reported that the …
Periodic driving shape controls energy transmission
In the early 2000s, Geniet and Leon [Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 134102 (2002) 0031-9007
10.1103/PhysRevLett. 89.134102] discovered the nonlinear supratransmission (NST) in a …
10.1103/PhysRevLett. 89.134102] discovered the nonlinear supratransmission (NST) in a …
Homoclinic nonlinear band gap transmission threshold in discrete optical waveguide arrays
We show for the first time that supratransmission threshold can be found in discrete
nonlinear Schrödinger equation modelling the optical waveguide arrays with Kerr …
nonlinear Schrödinger equation modelling the optical waveguide arrays with Kerr …
Wave propagation with longitudinal dust grain oscillations in dusty plasma crystals
Traveling waves are studied with a longitudinal dust grain oscillation in dusty plasma
crystals modeled by α, β-Fermi Pasta Ulam Tsingou equation. Within the phonon band of the …
crystals modeled by α, β-Fermi Pasta Ulam Tsingou equation. Within the phonon band of the …
Influence of a nonlinear coupling on the supratransmission effect in modified sine-Gordon and Klein–Gordon lattices
In this paper, we analyze the conditions leading to the nonlinear supratransmission
phenomenon in two different models: a modified fifth order Klein–Gordon system and a …
phenomenon in two different models: a modified fifth order Klein–Gordon system and a …
[HTML][HTML] Nonlinear bandgap transmission by discrete rogue waves induced in a pendulum chain
We study numerically a discrete, nonlinear lattice, which is formed by a chain of pendula
submitted to a harmonic-driving source with constant amplitude and parametrical excitation …
submitted to a harmonic-driving source with constant amplitude and parametrical excitation …