[KNJIGA][B] OMDoc--An Open Markup Format for Mathematical Documents [version 1.2]: Foreword by Alan Bundy

M Kohlhase - 2006 - books.google.com
Computers arechanging the way wethink. Of course, nearly all desk-workers have access to
computers and use them to email their colleagues, search the Web for information and …

A search engine for mathematical formulae

M Kohlhase, I Sucan - … conference on artificial intelligence and symbolic …, 2006 - Springer
We present a search engine for mathematical formulae. The MathWebSearch system
harvests the web for content representations (currently MathML and OpenMath) of formulae …

[KNJIGA][B] The universal access handbook

C Stephanidis - 2009 - taylorfrancis.com
In recent years, the field of Universal Access has made significant progress in consolidating
theoretical approaches, scientific methods and technologies, as well as in exploring new …

A proof markup language for semantic web services

PP Da Silva, DL McGuinness, R Fikes - Information Systems, 2006 - Elsevier
The Semantic Web is being designed to enable automated reasoners to be used as core
components in a wide variety of Web applications and services. In order for a client to accept …

First steps in building a knowledge base of mathematical results

S Mishra, Y Brihmouche, T Delemazure… - Proceedings of the …, 2024 - aclanthology.org
This paper explores the initial steps towards extracting information about theorems and
proofs from scholarly documents to build a knowledge base of interlinked results …

Omdoc: Towards an internet standard for the administration, distribution, and teaching of mathematical knowledge

M Kohlhase - … : International Conference AISC 2000 Madrid, Spain …, 2001 - Springer
In this paper we present an extension OMDoc to the Open-Math standard that allows the
representation of the semantics and structure of various kinds of mathematical documents …

Math information retrieval: user requirements and prototype implementation

J Zhao, MY Kan, YL Theng - Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE-CS joint …, 2008 - dl.acm.org
We report on the user requirements study and preliminary implementation phases in
creating a digital library that indexes and retrieves educational materials on math. We first …

Extending full text search engine for mathematical content

J Mišutka, L Galamboš - … Library. Birmingham, United Kingdom, July 27th …, 2008 - dml.cz
The WWW became the main resource of mathematical knowledge. Currently available full
text search engines can be used on these documents but they are deficient in almost all …

Information retrieval in MML

G Bancerek, P Rudnicki - International Conference on Mathematical …, 2003 - Springer
Mizar, a proof-checking system, is used to build the Mizar Mathematical Library (MML). This
is a long term project aiming at building a comprehensive library of mathematical …

[HTML][HTML] Computer supported mathematics with ΩMEGA

J Siekmann, C Benzmüller, S Autexier - Journal of Applied Logic, 2006 - Elsevier
Classical automated theorem proving of today is based on ingenious search techniques to
find a proof for a given theorem in very large search spaces—often in the range of several …