Insights from 20 years of bacterial genome sequencing
Since the first two complete bacterial genome sequences were published in 1995, the
science of bacteria has dramatically changed. Using third-generation DNA sequencing, it is …
science of bacteria has dramatically changed. Using third-generation DNA sequencing, it is …
BlobToolKit–interactive quality assessment of genome assemblies
R Challis, E Richards, J Rajan… - G3: Genes …, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Reconstruction of target genomes from sequence data produced by instruments that are
agnostic as to the species-of-origin may be confounded by contaminant DNA. Whether …
agnostic as to the species-of-origin may be confounded by contaminant DNA. Whether …
QUAST: quality assessment tool for genome assemblies
Limitations of genome sequencing techniques have led to dozens of assembly algorithms,
none of which is perfect. A number of methods for comparing assemblers have been …
none of which is perfect. A number of methods for comparing assemblers have been …
A positive correlation between GC content and growth temperature in prokaryotes
EZ Hu, XR Lan, ZL Liu, J Gao, DK Niu - BMC genomics, 2022 - Springer
Background GC pairs are generally more stable than AT pairs; GC-rich genomes were
proposed to be more adapted to high temperatures than AT-rich genomes. Previous studies …
proposed to be more adapted to high temperatures than AT-rich genomes. Previous studies …
Correlation between bacterial G+ C content, genome size and the G+ C content of associated plasmids and bacteriophages
A Almpanis, M Swain, D Gatherer… - Microbial …, 2018 - microbiologyresearch.org
Based on complete bacterial genome sequence data, we demonstrate a correlation
between bacterial chromosome length and the G+ C content of the genome, with longer …
between bacterial chromosome length and the G+ C content of the genome, with longer …
The statistical-mechanics of chromosome conformation capture
Since Jacob and Monod's characterization of the role of DNA elements in gene control, it
has been recognized that the linear organization of genome structure is important for the …
has been recognized that the linear organization of genome structure is important for the …
Serratia symbiotica from the Aphid Cinara cedri: A Missing Link from Facultative to Obligate Insect Endosymbiont
The genome sequencing of Buchnera aphidicola BCc from the aphid Cinara cedri, which is
the smallest known Buchnera genome, revealed that this bacterium had lost its symbiotic …
the smallest known Buchnera genome, revealed that this bacterium had lost its symbiotic …
[HTML][HTML] BinSanity: unsupervised clustering of environmental microbial assemblies using coverage and affinity propagation
Metagenomics has become an integral part of defining microbial diversity in various
environments. Many ecosystems have characteristically low biomass and few cultured …
environments. Many ecosystems have characteristically low biomass and few cultured …
The nucleotide composition of microbial genomes indicates differential patterns of selection on core and accessory genomes
Background The core genome consists of genes shared by the vast majority of a species
and is therefore assumed to have been subjected to substantially stronger purifying …
and is therefore assumed to have been subjected to substantially stronger purifying …
[HTML][HTML] Comparative Analysis of Listeria monocytogenes Plasmids and Expression Levels of Plasmid-Encoded Genes during Growth under Salt and Acid Stress …
Listeria monocytogenes strains are known to harbour plasmids that confer resistance to
sanitizers, heavy metals, and antibiotics; however, very little research has been conducted …
sanitizers, heavy metals, and antibiotics; however, very little research has been conducted …