Plasticity in Human Life History Strategy: Implications for Contemporary Human Variation and the Evolution of Genus Homo
CW Kuzawa, JM Bragg - Current Anthropology, 2012 -
The life history of Homo sapiens is characterized by a lengthy period of juvenile
dependence that requires extensive allocare, short interbirth intervals with concomitantly …
dependence that requires extensive allocare, short interbirth intervals with concomitantly …
Late Pleistocene and Holocene mammal extinctions on continental Africa
JT Faith - Earth-Science Reviews, 2014 - Elsevier
Understanding the cause of late Quaternary mammal extinctions is the subject of intense
debate spanning the fields of archeology and paleontology. In the global context, the losses …
debate spanning the fields of archeology and paleontology. In the global context, the losses …
Earliest archaeological evidence of persistent hominin carnivory
The emergence of lithic technology by∼ 2.6 million years ago (Ma) is often interpreted as a
correlate of increasingly recurrent hominin acquisition and consumption of animal remains …
correlate of increasingly recurrent hominin acquisition and consumption of animal remains …
Human-like hand use in Australopithecus africanus
The distinctly human ability for forceful precision and power “squeeze” grip** is linked to
two key evolutionary transitions in hand use: a reduction in arboreal climbing and the …
two key evolutionary transitions in hand use: a reduction in arboreal climbing and the …
Human evolution and the archaeology of the social brain
The picture of human evolution has been transformed by new evidence in recent years, but
contributing disciplines seem to have difficulty in sharing knowledge on a common basis …
contributing disciplines seem to have difficulty in sharing knowledge on a common basis …
Criteria for identifying bone modification by termites in the fossil record
Three geographically dispersed Middle and Later Stone Age cave sites in South Africa, and
a Middle Stone Age cave site in Ethiopia, share a similar taphonomic signature that includes …
a Middle Stone Age cave site in Ethiopia, share a similar taphonomic signature that includes …
Revisiting Paleoindian exploitation of extinct North American mammals
In 2002, we assessed all sites known to us that had been suggested to provide evidence for
the association of Clovis-era archaeological material with the remains of extinct Pleistocene …
the association of Clovis-era archaeological material with the remains of extinct Pleistocene …
Artificial intelligence provides greater accuracy in the classification of modern and ancient bone surface modifications
M Domínguez-Rodrigo, G Cifuentes-Alcobendas… - Scientific Reports, 2020 -
Bone surface modifications are foundational to the correct identification of hominin butchery
traces in the archaeological record. Until present, no analytical technique existed that could …
traces in the archaeological record. Until present, no analytical technique existed that could …
Origins and Evolution of Genus Homo New Perspectives
Recent fossil and archaeological finds have complicated our interpretation of the origin and
early evolution of genus Homo. Using an integrated data set from the fossil record and …
early evolution of genus Homo. Using an integrated data set from the fossil record and …
“An ape's view of the Oldowan” revisited
T Wynn, RA Hernandez‐Aguilar… - … : Issues, News, and …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract In 1989, Wynn and McGrew published an explicit comparison between Oldowan
technology and what was then known of chimpanzee technology. 1 They compared the …
technology and what was then known of chimpanzee technology. 1 They compared the …