Crustal anatomy and evolution of a subduction-related orogenic system: Insights from the Southern Central Andes (22-35 S)

L Giambiagi, A Tassara, A Echaurren, J Julve… - Earth-Science …, 2022 - Elsevier
As the archetype of mountain building in subduction zones, the Central Andes has
constituted an excellent example for investigating mountain-building processes for decades …

Lithospheric evolution of the Pre-and Early Andean convergent margin, Chile

V Oliveros, P Vásquez, C Creixell, F Lucassen… - Gondwana …, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract The proto-Andean and Early Andean evolution of the southwestern Gondwana
margin comprises three stages that differ in their magmatic evolution and deformational …

Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Andean Orogen between 31 and 37 S (Chile and Western Argentina)

R Charrier, VA Ramos, F Tapia… - … Society, London, Special …, 2015 -
In this classic segment, many tectonic processes, like flat-subduction, terrane accretion and
steepening of the subduction, among others, provide a robust framework for their …

Catastrophic slab loss in southwestern Pangea preserved in the mantle and igneous record

GM Gianni, CR Navarrete - Nature communications, 2022 -
Abstract The Choiyoi Magmatic Province represents a major episode of silicic magmatism in
southwestern Pangea in the mid-Permian-Triassic, the origin of which remains intensely …

Thrust belts of the southern Central Andes: Along-strike variations in shortening, topography, crustal geometry, and denudation

L Giambiagi, J Mescua, F Bechis, A Tassara… - …, 2012 -
The Andean fold-and-thrust belts of west-central Argentina (33° S and 36° S), above the
normal subduction segment, present important along-strike variations in mean topographic …

Andean retroarc-basin dune fields and Pampean Sand Sea (Argentina): Provenance and drainage changes driven by tectonics and climate

E Garzanti, T Capaldi, A Tripaldi, M Zárate… - Earth-Science …, 2022 - Elsevier
We here review in terms of tectono-magmatic setting and Quaternary landscape dynamics
what is known about the provenance of Argentine dune fields and their fluvial feeder …

Andean shortening, inversion and exhumation associated with thin-and thick-skinned deformation in southern Peru

ND Perez, BK Horton, N McQUARRIE… - Geological …, 2016 -
A balanced cross-section spanning the Eastern Cordillera and Subandean Zone of southern
Peru (13–15° S) constrains~ 130 km (38%) of Cenozoic orogen-normal SW–NE Andean …

Along-strike variation in structural styles and hydrocarbon occurrences, Subandean fold-and-thrust belt and inner foreland, Colombia to Argentina

MF McGroder, RO Lease, DM Pearson - 2015 -
The approximately NS–trending Andean retroarc fold-and-thrust belt is the locus of up to 300
km of Cenozoic shortening at the convergent plate boundary where the Nazca plate …

The basement of the Andean Frontal Cordillera in the Cordón del Plata (Mendoza, Argentina): geodynamic evolution

N Heredia Carballo, PJ Farias Arquer… - Andean …, 2012 -
The Andean Paleozoic basement of the Cordón del Plata (Argentina) consists of two sets of
rocks showing different stratigraphy, structure and metamorphism. The lower one is …

Revisiting the crustal structure and kinematics of the Central Andes at 33.5 S: Implications for the mechanics of Andean mountain building

M Riesner, R Lacassin, M Simoes, D Carrizo… - …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The Andean belt is the only present‐day active case example of a subduction‐type orogeny.
However, an existing controversy opposes classical views of Andean growth as an east …