Modeling diffractive optics elements and devices

NL Kazanskiy - Optical Technologies in Telecommunications …, 2018 -
I analyze physical approximations and mathematical tools used when modeling diffractive
optics elements and devices. Examples of the numerical simulation of focusing optical …

Research and education center of diffractive optics

NL Kazanskiy - Optical Technologies for Telecommunications …, 2012 -
Problems relating to diffractive computer optics, prospective diffractive-optical-element-
based (DOE-based) devices, and relevant information technologies are overviewed. Based …

[KNJIGA][B] Optical materials: Microstructuring surfaces with off-electrode plasma

NL Kazanskiy, VA Kolpakov - 2017 -
This reference book concentrates on microstructuring surfaces of optical materials with
directed fluxes of off-electrode plasma generated by high-voltage gas discharge and …

Gas discharge devices generating the directed fluxes of off-electrode plasma

NL Kazanskiy, VA Kolpakov, VV Podlipnov - Vacuum, 2014 - Elsevier
A new approach toward the generation of wide-format directed fluxes of low-temperature
plasma outside the interelectrode space and a corresponding gas discharge device to be …

Laser Technology and nanotechnology applying diffractive optical elements

VA Danilov - Nanobiotechnology Reports, 2022 - Springer
Performing the laser processing of materials implies the importance of producing the desired
effect on local regions with a predetermined distribution of the beam-power density. The …

Efficiency of deep integration between a research university and an academic institute

NL Kazanskiy - Procedia Engineering, 2017 - Elsevier
I am analyzing the results of long-standing close cooperation between an academic institute
and a national research university. I am making analysis based on sharing experience of our …

Recognition of half-integer order vortex beams using convolutional neural networks

AP Bodunov, SN Khonina - Optical Memory and Neural Networks, 2022 - Springer
In this paper, we investigate the possibility of determining the order (both whole and half-
integer) of an optical vortex beams based on the application of convolutional neural …

[PDF][PDF] years without Iosif Norairovich Sissakian

VA Danilov, NI Petrov - CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2016 -
Nanophotonics Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT-2016) 223 20 YEARS …

Precision laser recording on a molybdenum films for diffractive microrelief formation

AV Volkov, OY Moiseev, SD Poletayev - Компьютерная оптика, 2013 -
The problem of reducing the thickness of the lines of contact pattern masks used in the
formation of micro-relief of diffractive optical elements (DOEs) and produced by laser …

Application of thin molybdenum films in contact masks for manufacturing the micro-relief of diffractive optical elements

AV Volkov, OY Moiseev, SD Poletayev, IV Chistyakov - Computer Optics, 2014 -
AV Volkov, O. Yu. Moiseev, SD Poletayev, IV Chistyakov, “Application of thin molybdenum films in
contact masks for manufacturing the micro-relief of diffractive optical elements”, Computer Optics …