Multiple oscillations during the Lateglacial as recorded in a multi-proxy, high-resolution record of the Moervaart palaeolake (NW Belgium)
This paper presents the results of multi-disciplinary research carried out on the deposits of
Moervaart depression, NW Belgium, one of the largest palaeolakes (∼ 25 km 2) that existed …
Moervaart depression, NW Belgium, one of the largest palaeolakes (∼ 25 km 2) that existed …
Reviewing the Lateglacial–Holocene transition in NW Iberia: A palaeoecological approach based on the comparison between dissimilar regions
Isotopic records from Greenland ice cores have revealed a number of centennial to
millennial-scale climatic fluctuations affecting the eastern North Atlantic during the …
millennial-scale climatic fluctuations affecting the eastern North Atlantic during the …
[HTML][HTML] Parsing prehistoric patterns: Prospects and limitations of a big radiocarbon dataset for understanding the impact of climate on Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic …
Hunter-gatherer populations in northwest Europe were variably affected by Late Glacial and
Early Holocene climate fluctuations and their effects on sea level and the environment. We …
Early Holocene climate fluctuations and their effects on sea level and the environment. We …
Low-altitude aerial thermography for the archaeological investigation of arctic landscapes
S Walker - Journal of Archaeological Science, 2020 - Elsevier
Remotely-piloted aircraft (RPA) thermography is one of the least utilized remote-sensing
methods in archaeology, yet it has great potential for visualizing subsurface archaeological …
methods in archaeology, yet it has great potential for visualizing subsurface archaeological …
Abrupt cooling events during the Early Holocene and their potential impact on the environment and human behaviour along the southern North Sea basin (NW Europe …
P Crombé - Journal of Quaternary Science, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
In this paper the potential impact of the 9.3 k cal a BP cooling event on the environment and
human occupation in the Rhine–Meuse–Scheldt region of NW Europe is investigated …
human occupation in the Rhine–Meuse–Scheldt region of NW Europe is investigated …
Impacts of palaeoclimate change 60 000–8000 years ago on humans and their environments in Europe: integrating palaeoenvironmental and archaeological data
Humans respond in a variety of ways to climate and environmental change. They may adapt,
migrate, evolve new technologies, or experience breakdowns in their socio-cultural and …
migrate, evolve new technologies, or experience breakdowns in their socio-cultural and …
Weichselian Lateglacial environmental and vegetation development in the Moervaart palaeolake area (NW Belgium); implications for former human occupation …
In this paper, a detailed vegetation and environmental reconstruction for the Lateglacial
interstadial in the Moervaart area (NW Belgium) is discussed, in relation to former human …
interstadial in the Moervaart area (NW Belgium) is discussed, in relation to former human …
Postglacial evolution of vegetation and environment in the Scheldt Basin (northern Belgium)
The infill of abandoned river channels is the main information source on postglacial
vegetation and landscape evolution in inland northern Belgium. Palynological studies of …
vegetation and landscape evolution in inland northern Belgium. Palynological studies of …
Human resilience to Lateglacial climate and environmental change in the Scheldt basin (NW Belgium)
Recent palaeoenvironmental analyses in the Scheldt basin in NW Belgium have identified
significant hydrological and vegetation changes between Greenland Interstadial-1b (GI-1b) …
significant hydrological and vegetation changes between Greenland Interstadial-1b (GI-1b) …
Lateglacial to Middle Holocene landscape development in a small-sized river valley near Antwerp (Belgium)
A Storme, L Allemeersch, M Boudin, I Bourgeois… - Review of Palaeobotany …, 2022 - Elsevier
At the transition between the Scheldt valley and the Campine microcuesta near Antwerp, two
separate organic deposits are present in the subsoil. Sedimentological, macrobotanical and …
separate organic deposits are present in the subsoil. Sedimentological, macrobotanical and …