Who falls for fake news? Psychological and clinical profiling evidence of fake news consumers
Awareness of the potential psychological significance of false news increased during the
coronavirus pandemic, however, its impact on psychopathology and individual differences …
coronavirus pandemic, however, its impact on psychopathology and individual differences …
The role of cognitive biases in sha** irrational beliefs: a multi-Study Investigation
Irrational beliefs encompass a broad set of beliefs that lack verifiable empirical evidence and
contradict scientific principles, often grouped into conspiratorial, pseudoscientific, and …
contradict scientific principles, often grouped into conspiratorial, pseudoscientific, and …
A validation of the Pseudoscience Endorsement Scale and assessment of the cognitive correlates of pseudoscientific beliefs
MN Torres, I Barberia… - Humanities and Social …, 2023 - nature.com
Pseudoscientific beliefs are widespread and have potentially harmful consequences. Being
able to identify their presence and recognize the factors characterizing their endorsement is …
able to identify their presence and recognize the factors characterizing their endorsement is …
Revised and short versions of the pseudoscientific belief scale
In this article, we develop the revised and short versions of the pseudoscientific belief scale
through two empirical studies (N= 4154). This revision is motivated by the excessive length …
through two empirical studies (N= 4154). This revision is motivated by the excessive length …
Science through a tribal lens: A group-based account of polarization over scientific facts
Previous research has confirmed the prominent role of group processes in the promotion
and endorsement of disinformation. We report three studies on a psychological framework …
and endorsement of disinformation. We report three studies on a psychological framework …
Development and use of an instrument to measure pseudoscientific beliefs in quantum mechanics: the PSEUDO-QM scale
M Bondani, S Galano, M Malgieri… - Research in Science …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Background Quantum Mechanics (QM) is a crucial area for the development of
future technologies and societal advancement. However, due to the increasing exposure of …
future technologies and societal advancement. However, due to the increasing exposure of …
Do people's assumptions about the social world matter? The effects of social axioms on environmental attitude and efficacy beliefs
Why do people respond to environmental issues differently? In this research, we approach
this question by referring to the role of social axioms, a set of generalized beliefs that …
this question by referring to the role of social axioms, a set of generalized beliefs that …
Correlations Among High School Students' Beliefs about Conspiracy, Authoritarianism, and Scientific Literacy
N Synak, N Šabíková, R Masaryk - Science & Education, 2024 - Springer
Studies consistently show the social impact of spreading epistemologically unfounded
beliefs (or 'conspiracy beliefs'), including negative effects on public health. The present study …
beliefs (or 'conspiracy beliefs'), including negative effects on public health. The present study …
Proneness to false memory generation predicts pseudoscientific belief endorsement
Among cognitive factors that can influence the endorsement of pseudoscientific beliefs, our
study focuses on proneness to false memory generation. In this preregistered study, we …
study focuses on proneness to false memory generation. In this preregistered study, we …
Analysis of pseudoscientific beliefs in quantum mechanics of high school students and teachers
W Sciarretta, M Bondani, S Galano, M Malgieri… - Physical Review Physics …, 2024 - APS
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the interest in the possible causes of the spread of
science-based fake news. Indeed, such phenomenon can lead to a generalized distrust of …
science-based fake news. Indeed, such phenomenon can lead to a generalized distrust of …