Forces between solid surfaces in aqueous electrolyte solutions
This review addresses experimental findings obtained with direct force measurements
between two similar or dissimilar solid surfaces in aqueous electrolyte solutions …
between two similar or dissimilar solid surfaces in aqueous electrolyte solutions …
Adsorption at nanoconfined solid–water interfaces
Reactions at solid–water interfaces play a foundational role in water treatment systems,
catalysis, and chemical separations, and in predicting chemical fate and transport in the …
catalysis, and chemical separations, and in predicting chemical fate and transport in the …
Water structure in the electrical double layer and the contributions to the total interfacial potential at different surface charge densities
The electric double layer governs the processes of all charged surfaces in aqueous
solutions; however, elucidating the structure of the water molecules is challenging for even …
solutions; however, elucidating the structure of the water molecules is challenging for even …
Effect of solvent composition on Non-DLVO forces and oriented attachment of zinc oxide nanoparticles
Oriented attachment (OA) occurs when nanoparticles in solution align their crystallographic
axes prior to colliding and subsequently fuse into single crystals. Traditional colloidal …
axes prior to colliding and subsequently fuse into single crystals. Traditional colloidal …
The dramatic effect of water structure on hydration forces and the electrical double layer
Forces between hydrophilic surfaces mediated by water are important in various systems
from lipid membranes and solid surfaces to colloids and macromolecules, first discovered as …
from lipid membranes and solid surfaces to colloids and macromolecules, first discovered as …
Correlation between electrostatic and hydration forces on silica and gibbsite surfaces: An atomic force microscopy study
The balance between hydration and Derjaguin–Landau–Verwey–Overbeek (DLVO) forces
at solid–liquid interfaces controls many processes, such as colloidal stability, wetting …
at solid–liquid interfaces controls many processes, such as colloidal stability, wetting …
Molecular dynamics simulations of the colloidal interaction between smectite clay nanoparticles in liquid water
Colloidal interactions between clay nanoparticles have been studied extensively because of
their strong influence on the hydrology and mechanics of many soils and sedimentary …
their strong influence on the hydrology and mechanics of many soils and sedimentary …
Atomically resolved interfacial water structures on crystalline hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces
Hydration layers are formed on hydrophilic crystalline surfaces immersed in water. Their
existence has also been predicted for hydrophobic surfaces, yet the experimental evidence …
existence has also been predicted for hydrophobic surfaces, yet the experimental evidence …
Predicting outcomes of nanoparticle attachment by connecting atomistic, interfacial, particle, and aggregate scales
Predicting nanoparticle aggregation and attachment phenomena requires a rigorous
understanding of the interplay among crystal structure, particle morphology, surface …
understanding of the interplay among crystal structure, particle morphology, surface …
Solution structure and hydration forces between mica and hydrophilic versus hydrophobic surfaces
Solid–liquid interfaces are central to a range of interesting phenomena including colloidal
aggregation, crystallization by particle attachment, catalysis, heterogeneous nucleation …
aggregation, crystallization by particle attachment, catalysis, heterogeneous nucleation …