Plant secondary metabolites in nectar: impacts on pollinators and ecological functions

PC Stevenson, SW Nicolson, GA Wright - Functional Ecology, 2017‏ - Wiley Online Library
The ecological function of secondary metabolites in plant defence against herbivores is well
established, but their role in plant–pollinator interactions is less obvious. Nectar is the major …

Uses and misuses of meta‐analysis in plant ecology

J Koricheva, J Gurevitch - Journal of Ecology, 2014‏ - Wiley Online Library
The number of published meta‐analyses in plant ecology has increased greatly over the last
two decades. Meta‐analysis has made a significant contribution to the field, allowing review …

Balancing trade-offs between biotic and abiotic stress responses through leaf age-dependent variation in stress hormone cross-talk

ML Berens, KW Wolinska, S Spaepen, J Ziegler… - Proceedings of the …, 2019‏ -
In nature, plants must respond to multiple stresses simultaneously, which likely demands
cross-talk between stress-response pathways to minimize fitness costs. Here we provide …

Variability in plant–herbivore interactions

WC Wetzel, BD Inouye, PG Hahn… - Annual Review of …, 2023‏ -
Plants and herbivores are remarkably variable in space and time, and variability has been
considered a defining feature of their interactions. Empirical research, however, has …

Domestication impacts on plant–herbivore interactions: a meta-analysis

SR Whitehead, MM Turcotte… - … Transactions of the …, 2017‏ -
For millennia, humans have imposed strong selection on domesticated crops, resulting in
drastically altered crop phenotypes compared with wild ancestors. Crop yields have …

Propolis research and the chemistry of plant products

A Salatino, CC Fernandes-Silva, AA Righi… - Natural product …, 2011‏ -
Covering: 1979 to 2010 Propolis is a honeybee product, composed mainly of wax and
resins. The latter have a plant origin and contain substances with biological activity. The …

When do Janzen–Connell effects matter? A phylogenetic meta‐analysis of conspecific negative distance and density dependence experiments

X Song, JY Lim, J Yang, MS Luskin - Ecology Letters, 2021‏ - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Janzen–Connell (J‐C) hypothesis suggests that specialised natural enemies
cause distance‐or density‐dependent mortality among host plants and is regarded as an …

Phenolic Compound Profile and Antioxidant Capacity of Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) Harvested at Different Growth Stages

F Gai, MA Janiak, K Sulewska, PG Peiretti, M Karamać - Molecules, 2023‏ -
The profile of phenolic compounds changes during the growth of a plant and this change
affects its antioxidant potential. The aim of this research has been to find the growth stage of …

For antagonists and mutualists: the paradox of insect toxic secondary metabolites in nectar and pollen

PC Stevenson - Phytochemistry Reviews, 2020‏ - Springer
The plant kingdom produces an extraordinary diversity of secondary metabolites and the
majority of the literature supports a defensive ecological role for them, particularly against …

Plants protect themselves from herbivores by optimizing the distribution of chemical defenses

J Gershenzon, C Ullah - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2022‏ -
Fig. 1. Testing a classical ecological theory with a biochemical tool. The optimal defense
theory posits that the distribution of chemical defenses within a plant is based on the relative …