Tibetan ore deposits: A conjunction of accretionary orogeny and continental collision
This paper reviews the spatial-temporal distribution, geological and geochemical features,
and geophysical context of diverse types of Cenozoic ore deposits formed during India …
and geophysical context of diverse types of Cenozoic ore deposits formed during India …
Crustal magmatic controls on the formation of porphyry copper deposits
Porphyry deposits are large, low-grade metal ore bodies that are formed from hydrothermal
fluids derived from an underlying magma reservoir. They are important as major sources of …
fluids derived from an underlying magma reservoir. They are important as major sources of …
Timing and mechanism of ore precipitation in porphyry Cu systems: insight from LA-ICP-MS analysis of fluid inclusions and in situ oxygen isotope analysis of …
X Sun, R Li, X Si, K **ao, J Deng - Economic Geology, 2024 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The timing and mechanism of ore precipitation in porphyry copper systems are hot topics
and remain controversial. The large Miocene collision-related Zhunuo porphyry Cu deposit …
and remain controversial. The large Miocene collision-related Zhunuo porphyry Cu deposit …
Mercury isotope evidence for the importance of recycled fluids in collisional ore systems
The sources of fluids and metals in porphyry systems of continental-collision settings are
poorly constrained. Mercury isotopes display unique mass-independent fractionation …
poorly constrained. Mercury isotopes display unique mass-independent fractionation …
Skarn zonation of the giant Jiama Cu-Mo-Au deposit in southern Tibet, SW China
Jiama is a giant skarn-porphyry deposit in southern Tibet, southwestern China. It is the
largest Cu (~ 7.4 Mt), second largest Au (~ 208 t), and fourth largest Mo (~ 0.62 Mt) skarn …
largest Cu (~ 7.4 Mt), second largest Au (~ 208 t), and fourth largest Mo (~ 0.62 Mt) skarn …
Trace element discrimination of arc, slab failure, and A-type granitic rocks
Although widely used, classification schemes for granitic rocks have until now failed to
separate slab failure from arc magmatism in collisional orogens. Our previous work showed …
separate slab failure from arc magmatism in collisional orogens. Our previous work showed …
Formation of giant copper deposits in Tibet driven by tearing of the subducted Indian plate
Porphyry copper deposits (PCDs) occur in accretionary and collisional orogens, yet it is
unclear how continental collision controls their formation. Two fundamental issues are …
unclear how continental collision controls their formation. Two fundamental issues are …
Tectonic evolution, superimposed orogeny, and composite metallogenic system in China
J Deng, Q Wang, G Li - Gondwana Research, 2017 - Elsevier
Continental China is a mosaic of numerous tectonic blocks, which amalgamated from
Neoarchean to Cenozoic broadly coeval with the cycles of global supercontinents such as …
Neoarchean to Cenozoic broadly coeval with the cycles of global supercontinents such as …
Origin of postcollisional magmas and formation of porphyry Cu deposits in southern Tibet
The recent discovery of large porphyry copper deposits (PCDs) associated with Miocene (22–
12 Ma) granitoid magmas in the eastern section of the Paleocene-Eocene Gangdese …
12 Ma) granitoid magmas in the eastern section of the Paleocene-Eocene Gangdese …
A metasomatized lithospheric mantle control on the metallogenic signature of post-subduction magmatism
Ore deposits are loci on Earth where energy and mass flux are greatly enhanced and
focussed, acting as magnifying lenses into metal transport, fractionation and concentration …
focussed, acting as magnifying lenses into metal transport, fractionation and concentration …