The Chalcidoidea bush of life: evolutionary history of a massive radiation of minute wasps
Chalcidoidea are mostly parasitoid wasps that include as many as 500 000 estimated
species. Capturing phylogenetic signal from such a massive radiation can be daunting …
species. Capturing phylogenetic signal from such a massive radiation can be daunting …
[PDF][PDF] Hymenoptera. Chapter 12
We present the first review of Hymenoptera alien to Europe. Our study revealed that nearly
300 species of Hymenoptera belonging to 30 families have been introduced to Europe. In …
300 species of Hymenoptera belonging to 30 families have been introduced to Europe. In …
The Chalcidoidea bush of life–a massive radiation blurred by mutational saturation
Capturing phylogenetic signal from a massive radiation can be daunting. The superfamily
Chalcidoidea is an excellent example of a hyperdiverse group that has remained recalcitrant …
Chalcidoidea is an excellent example of a hyperdiverse group that has remained recalcitrant …
The host range of the male-killing symbiont Arsenophonus nasoniae in filth fly parasitioids
The Son-killer bacterium, Arsenophonus nasoniae, infects Nasonia vitripennis
(Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), a parasitic wasp that attacks filth flies. This …
(Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), a parasitic wasp that attacks filth flies. This …
Reproductive and Developmental Biology of Acroclisoides sinicus, a Hyperparasitoid of Scelionid Parasitoids
L Giovannini, G Sabbatini-Peverieri, PG Tillman… - Biology, 2021 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Acroclisoides sinicus is a pteromalid of Asian origin that has recently been
detected in Europe and North America. It has been frequently found in association with …
detected in Europe and North America. It has been frequently found in association with …
Development, Preimaginal Phases and Adult Sensillar Equipment in Aganaspis Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) of Fruit Flies
Aganaspis daci and Aganaspis pelleranoi (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) are important
parasitoids of fruit flies. Here we studied, with light and scanning electron microscopy …
parasitoids of fruit flies. Here we studied, with light and scanning electron microscopy …
The Preimaginal Phases and Development of Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) on Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis capitata (Diptera …
The development and morphology of the immature phases of Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae
(Rondani, 1875)(Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) are described from a laboratory rearing …
(Rondani, 1875)(Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) are described from a laboratory rearing …
Parasitoids of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens)–a minor problem or the tip of the iceberg?
S Rojo - Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 2024 - brill.com
An overview of parasitoid species found on the black soldier fly is presented. The future
significance of these natural enemies remains uncertain. However, a thorough assessment …
significance of these natural enemies remains uncertain. However, a thorough assessment …
Offspring production and self-superparasitism in the solitary ectoparasitoid Spalangia cameroni (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) in relation to host abundance
Parasitoid fitness strongly depends on the availability and quality of hosts, which provide all
resources required for larval development. Several factors, such as host size and previous …
resources required for larval development. Several factors, such as host size and previous …
Superparasitism in laboratory rearing of Spalangia cameroni (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), a parasitoid of medfly (Diptera: Tephritidae)
The frequency of superparasitism and its effects on the quality of laboratory-reared
Spalangia cameroni (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) parasitoids were investigated under …
Spalangia cameroni (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) parasitoids were investigated under …