New views on strand asymmetry in insect mitochondrial genomes
Strand asymmetry in nucleotide composition is a remarkable feature of animal mitochondrial
genomes. Understanding the mutation processes that shape strand asymmetry is essential …
genomes. Understanding the mutation processes that shape strand asymmetry is essential …
Identification of replication origins in prokaryotic genomes
NV Sernova, MS Gelfand - Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2008 - academic.oup.com
The availability of hundreds of complete bacterial genomes has created new challenges and
simultaneously opportunities for bioinformatics. In the area of statistical analysis of genomic …
simultaneously opportunities for bioinformatics. In the area of statistical analysis of genomic …
From GC skews to wavelets: a gentle guide to the analysis of compositional asymmetries in genomic data
Compositional asymmetries are pervasive in DNA sequences. They are the result of the
asymmetric interactions between DNA and cellular mechanisms such as replication and …
asymmetric interactions between DNA and cellular mechanisms such as replication and …
A new method for assessing the effect of replication on DNA base composition asymmetry
DNA base composition asymmetry is at the basis of numerous in silico methods for the
detection of the origin and terminus of replication in prokaryotes. However, most of these …
detection of the origin and terminus of replication in prokaryotes. However, most of these …
Comparative mitogenome analyses uncover mitogenome features and phylogenetic implications of the parrotfishes (Perciformes: Scaridae)
Simple Summary Parrotfishes are among the most colorful and diverse inhabitants of the
coral reefs and sea grass beds and are ecologically important in these habitats. Here, we …
coral reefs and sea grass beds and are ecologically important in these habitats. Here, we …
Deviations from Chargaff's second parity rule in organellar DNA: Insights into the evolution of organellar genomes
Chargaff's second parity rule (PR2) states that complementary nucleotides are met with
almost equal frequencies in single stranded DNA. This is indeed the case for all bacterial …
almost equal frequencies in single stranded DNA. This is indeed the case for all bacterial …
Revisiting the relationships between genomic G+ C content, RNA secondary structures, and optimal growth temperature
MM Meyer - Journal of molecular evolution, 2021 - Springer
Over twenty years ago Galtier and Lobry published a manuscript entitled “Relationships
between Genomic G+ C Content, RNA Secondary Structure, and Optimal Growth …
between Genomic G+ C Content, RNA Secondary Structure, and Optimal Growth …
Genomic and proteomic analysis of phiEco32, a novel Escherichia coli bacteriophage
A novel bacteriophage infecting Escherichia coli was isolated during a large-scale screen
for bacteriophages that may be used for therapy of mastitis in cattle. The 77,554-bp genome …
for bacteriophages that may be used for therapy of mastitis in cattle. The 77,554-bp genome …
Coding constraints modulate chemically spontaneous mutational replication gradients in mitochondrial genomes
H Seligmann - Current Genomics, 2012 - ingentaconnect.com
Distances from heavy and light strand replication origins determine duration mitochondrial
DNA remains singlestranded during replication. Hydrolytic deaminations from A-> G and C-> …
DNA remains singlestranded during replication. Hydrolytic deaminations from A-> G and C-> …
Unusual AT-skew of Sinorhodeus microlepis mitogenome provides new insights into mitogenome features and phylogenetic implications of bitterling fishes
Sinorhodeus microlepis (S. microlepis) is recently described as a new species and
represents a new genus Sinorhodeu of the subfamily Acheilognathinae. In this study, we first …
represents a new genus Sinorhodeu of the subfamily Acheilognathinae. In this study, we first …