Perennial flower margins reduce orchard fruit damage by rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea (Homoptera: Aphididae)
Sown or natural flower strips are a commonly used management practice in agroecosystems
and have been demonstrated to increase the abundance of predators of orchard pests …
and have been demonstrated to increase the abundance of predators of orchard pests …
A review of the subfamily Charipinae (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea: Figitidae), hyperparasitoids potentially affecting the biological control of aphids
Charipinae is an important subfamily of aphid hyperparasitoids. As aphids are some of the
most significant pests in the world, studying the insect community associated with them is of …
most significant pests in the world, studying the insect community associated with them is of …
Brassica-aphid interaction: challenges and prospects of genetic engineering for integrated aphid management
S Bhattacharya - Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2019 - Elsevier
One of the most economically important groups of plants, the Brassica crops are cultivated
throughout the world for their application as food, feed and vegetable oil purposes …
throughout the world for their application as food, feed and vegetable oil purposes …
Aggregation of organically managed fields promotes aphid parasitism in cereal crops under Mediterranean conditions
A Salat-Moltó, JM Blanco-Moreno, N Pérez Hidalgo… - Landscape …, 2023 - Springer
Context Maintaining a balance between semi-natural habitats and arable land is not always
feasible for farmers. The promotion of biological control agents can be addressed through …
feasible for farmers. The promotion of biological control agents can be addressed through …
Contributions of climate, plant phenology and natural enemies to the seasonal variation of aphids on cabbage
EG Fidelis, ES Farias, MC Lopes… - Journal of applied …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Brevicoryne brassicae (L), Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt) and Myzus persicae (Sultzer)(Homoptera:
Aphididae) form the aphid complex that causes great losses in Brassicaceae in tropical and …
Aphididae) form the aphid complex that causes great losses in Brassicaceae in tropical and …
Coccinellidae, Syrphidae and Aphidoletes are key mortality factors for Myzus persicae in tropical regions: A case study on cabbage crops
Natural factors regulate Myzus persicae populations in Brassicaceae crops. Ecological life
table analysis is a robust tool that allows the estimation of the mortality caused by these …
table analysis is a robust tool that allows the estimation of the mortality caused by these …
Occurrence of arthropod pests associated with Brassica carinata and impact of defoliation on yield
Brassica carinata has the potential to become an economical biofuel winter crop in the
Southeast US An IPM program is needed to provide management recommendations for B …
Southeast US An IPM program is needed to provide management recommendations for B …
Taxonomic Status and Population Oscillations of Aphidius colemani Species Group (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Southern Brazil
Aphidius colemani (Viereck) was reported in Brazil before the Biological Control Program of
Wheat Aphids (BCPWA) when Mediterranean genotypes were introduced from France and …
Wheat Aphids (BCPWA) when Mediterranean genotypes were introduced from France and …
Palaearctic species of Charipinae (Hymenoptera, Figitidae): two new species, synthesis and identification key
Abstract The Charipinae Dalla Torre & Kieffer, 1910 present in the Palaearctic region are
revised; 2410 specimens have been identified, belonging to 75 species: 52 to Alloxysta, one …
revised; 2410 specimens have been identified, belonging to 75 species: 52 to Alloxysta, one …
Predation is the key mortality factor for Brevicoryne brassicae in cabbage crops
Brevicoryne brassicae is an important pest of cabbage crops. In addition to the chemical
controls usually used in agroecosystems, natural factors contribute to aphid mortality. In this …
controls usually used in agroecosystems, natural factors contribute to aphid mortality. In this …