Which provenance and where? Seed sourcing strategies for revegetation in a changing environment
Revegetation is one practical application of science that should ideally aim to combine
ecology with evolution to maximise biodiversity and ecosystem outcomes. The strict use of …
ecology with evolution to maximise biodiversity and ecosystem outcomes. The strict use of …
Restoration ecology: interventionist approaches for restoring and maintaining ecosystem function in the face of rapid environmental change
Restoration ecology provides the conceptual and practical frameworks to guide
management interventions aimed at repairing environmental damage. Restoration activities …
management interventions aimed at repairing environmental damage. Restoration activities …
Ecological restoration and global climate change
There is an increasing consensus that global climate change occurs and that potential
changes in climate are likely to have important regional consequences for biota and …
changes in climate are likely to have important regional consequences for biota and …
A question of origin: where and how to collect seed for ecological restoration
Native plant species are routinely planted or sown in ecological restoration projects, but
successful establishment and survival depend on where and how seeds are collected …
successful establishment and survival depend on where and how seeds are collected …
Adapting to climate change: is there scope for ecological management in the face of a global threat?
Summary 1 Climate change is recognized as a major threat to the survival of species and
integrity of ecosystems world‐wide. Although considerable research has focused on climate …
integrity of ecosystems world‐wide. Although considerable research has focused on climate …
A framework for the practical science necessary to restore sustainable, resilient, and biodiverse ecosystems
Demand for restoration of resilient, self‐sustaining, and biodiverse natural ecosystems as a
conservation measure is increasing globally; however, restoration efforts frequently fail to …
conservation measure is increasing globally; however, restoration efforts frequently fail to …
Contribution of genetics to ecological restoration
Ecological restoration of degraded ecosystems has emerged as a critical tool in the fight to
reverse and ameliorate the current loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Approaches …
reverse and ameliorate the current loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Approaches …
Plant conservation genetics in a changing world
Plant conservation genetics provides tools to guide conservation and restoration efforts,
measure and monitor success, and ultimately minimize extinction risk by conserving species …
measure and monitor success, and ultimately minimize extinction risk by conserving species …
Ecosystem carbon budgeting and soil carbon sequestration in reclaimed mine soil
Global warming risks from emissions of green house gases (GHGs) by anthropogenic
activities, and possible mitigation strategies of terrestrial carbon (C) sequestration have …
activities, and possible mitigation strategies of terrestrial carbon (C) sequestration have …
Orchid re-introductions: an evaluation of success and ecological considerations using key comparative studies from Australia
With global biodiversity in decline, there is now an urgent requirement to take ameliorative
action for endangered species in the form of re-introductions. For the highly diverse orchid …
action for endangered species in the form of re-introductions. For the highly diverse orchid …