Characterizing near‐field surface deformation in the 1990 Rudbar earthquake (Iran) using optical image correlation
Abstract The 1990 Rudbar earthquake (Mw 7.3) broke along three right‐step** segments
of the left‐lateral Rudbar fault, in the western Alborz mountains (Iran), producing∼ 80 km of …
of the left‐lateral Rudbar fault, in the western Alborz mountains (Iran), producing∼ 80 km of …
Remote sensing of the earthquake deformation cycle
M Marchandon, TJ Wright, J Hollingsworth - 2022 -
In recent decades, the development of InSAR and optical correlation as well as the
tremendous increase of SAR and optical satellite data available have revolutionized the …
tremendous increase of SAR and optical satellite data available have revolutionized the …
Using historical aerial photographs to measure earthquake deformation: Testing the effects of scan resolution
Historical aerial photographs are a valuable source of data for investigating past
earthquakes, volcanic activities, ice mass balance and land changes in the pre-modern era …
earthquakes, volcanic activities, ice mass balance and land changes in the pre-modern era …
Mining high-resolution KH-9 panoramic imagery to determine earthquake deformation: Methods and applications
Earthquake deformation is crucial for understanding fault kinematics. Modern earthquakes
(moment magnitude) have been well documented by geodetic techniques, such as radar …
(moment magnitude) have been well documented by geodetic techniques, such as radar …
Optical Geodesy and the Measurement of Ground Deformation by Image Correlation
Optical geodesy is a relatively new technique which allows deformation of the Earth's
surface to be retrieved from the correlation of remotely sensed optical satellite or aerial …
surface to be retrieved from the correlation of remotely sensed optical satellite or aerial …
Coseismic deformation of the 1976 Ms 7.3 Chaldiran earthquake in eastern Turkey measured by satellite imagery, in comparison with field measurements
L Lu, Y Zhou - Geophysical Journal International, 2023 -
Large continental earthquakes are infrequent, but they are important for understanding
active tectonics. Many pre-1990, magnitude greater than 7 earthquakes have not been well …
active tectonics. Many pre-1990, magnitude greater than 7 earthquakes have not been well …
Fault interactions in a complex fault system: Insight from the 1936–1997 NE Lut earthquake sequence
Calculations of Coulomb stress changes have shown that moderate to large earthquakes
may increase stress at the location of future earthquakes. Coulomb stress transfers have …
may increase stress at the location of future earthquakes. Coulomb stress transfers have …
Lut Bloğu'nda (İran) meydana gelen depremlerin zamana bağlı gerilme değişimlerinin modellenmesi= Modelling time-dependent stress changes of the earthquakes …
F Uzunca - 2024 -
İran'da aktif tektonik Arap Levhası'nın sabit kabul edilen Avrasya Levhası'na yakınsaması
sonucunda şekillenmektedir. Bu yakınsama oblik olması sebebiyle İran'nın doğusu ve batısı …
sonucunda şekillenmektedir. Bu yakınsama oblik olması sebebiyle İran'nın doğusu ve batısı …
Some Thoughts on Measuring Earthquake Deformation Using Optical Imagery
Optical imagery has been proven to be an effective tool for measuring earthquake
deformation in continental regions since its first application in the 1999 Izmit earthquake. In …
deformation in continental regions since its first application in the 1999 Izmit earthquake. In …
利用锁眼卫星影像提取历史地震同震位移——以 1976 年土耳其 Chaldiran 地震为例.
卢乐浚, 周宇 - Geomatics & Information Science of Wuhan …, 2021 -
大地震的地表破裂及形变特征对研究地震成因机制, 断层运动及大陆变形具有重要意义.
随着卫星技术的日益成熟, 自1992 年美国加州Landers 地震以来, 光学和雷达影像被广泛应用于 …
随着卫星技术的日益成熟, 自1992 年美国加州Landers 地震以来, 光学和雷达影像被广泛应用于 …