[HTML][HTML] A new approach to select doubled haploid rice lines under salinity stress using indirect selection index

MF Anshori, BS Purwoko, IS Dewi, SW Ardie… - Rice Science, 2021 - Elsevier
This study determined the indirect selection index of doubled haploid (DH) rice using a
multivariate analysis approach to select lines adaptive to salinity stress, comprising three …

Multivariate analysis to determine secondary characters in selecting adaptive hybrid corn lines under drought stress

NUR Fadhli, MUH Farid, ROY Effendi, M AZRAI… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2020 - smujo.id
Fadhli N, Farid M, Rafiuddin, Efendi R, Azrai M, Anshori MF. 2020. Multivariate analysis to
determine secondary characters in selecting adaptive hybrid corn lines under drought …

The integrated minapadi (rice-fish) farming system: Compost and local liquid organic fertilizer based on multiple evaluation criteria

A Yassi, M Farid, MF Anshori, H Muchtar… - Agronomy, 2023 - mdpi.com
Rice-fish cultivation, also known as Manipadi in Indonesia, is one of the many integrated
farming systems where fish are grown concurrently with rice. However, this integrated …

Agronomic and yield selection of doubled haploid lines of rainfed lowland rice in advanced yield trials

MR Akbar, BS Purwoko, IS Dewi, WB Suwarno… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2021 - smujo.id
Akbar MR, Purwoko BS, Dewi IS, Suwarno WB, Sugiyanta, Anshori MF. 2021. Agronomic
and yield selection of doubled haploid lines of rainfed lowland rice in advanced yield trials …

[HTML][HTML] Utilization of Genetic Resources, Genetic Diversity and Genetic Variability for Selecting New Restorer Lines of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

MMA Awad-Allah, WWM Shafie, MS Alsubeie… - Genes, 2022 - mdpi.com
Exploration of and understanding diversity and variability in genotypes of germplasm
determines the success of rice improvement programs. One of the most important …

Determination of salinity tolerance in pigmented rice genotypes at seedling stage

Z Ali, M Naeem, HGMD Ahmed - Journal of Crop Health, 2024 - Springer
Rice is the principal cash crop of Pakistan, however, its yield is severely affected by salinity.
In arid and coastal areas of rice cultivation, salinity is one of the major factors that affect its …

Interaction of rice salinity screening in germination and seedling phase through selection index based on principal components

M Farid, MF Anshori, Y Musa, H Iswoyo… - Chilean journal of …, 2021 - SciELO Chile
Salinity stress can reduce rice (Oryza sativa L.) productivity and cause crop failure. This
problem needs a solution by development of tolerant varieties, and this development closely …

Drought-adapted maize line based on morphophysiological selection index

R Padjung, M Farid, Y Musa… - B IOD IVERSITAS …, 2021 - repository.unhas.ac.id
Padjung R, Farid M, Musa Y, Anshori MF, Nur A, Masnenong A. 2021. Drought-adapted
maize line based on morphophysiological selection index. Biodiversitas 22: 4028-4035 …

[PDF][PDF] Genetic characteristics of F2 populations obtained through double and three-way crosses in cayenne peppers.

ANK Amas, Y Musa, M Farid, MF Anshori - 2023 - sabraojournal.org
The enhancement in cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) productivity is intently
needed due to the ever-increasing demand, considered a vital vegetable commodity with …

Morphological parameters, heritability, yield component correlation, and multivariate analysis to determine secondary characters in selecting hybrid maize

N Fadhli, M Farid, M Azrai, A Nur, R Efendi… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2023 - smujo.id
Fadhli N, Farid M, Azrai M, Nur A, Effendi R, Priyanto SB, Nasruddin AD, Novianti F. 2023.
Morphological parameters, heritability, yield component correlation, and multivariate …