Vision of the unseen: Current trends and challenges in digital image and video forensics
Digital images are everywhere—from our cell phones to the pages of our online news sites.
How we choose to use digital image processing raises a surprising host of legal and ethical …
How we choose to use digital image processing raises a surprising host of legal and ethical …
Security in smart cities: A brief review of digital forensic schemes for biometric data
A smart city is engineered to be a self-sustained ecosystem driven by Internet-of-Things (IoT)
devices. Smooth functioning of smart cities is conditioned on seamless communication …
devices. Smooth functioning of smart cities is conditioned on seamless communication …
Digital camera identification from sensor pattern noise
In this paper, we propose a new method for the problem of digital camera identification from
its images based on the sensor's pattern noise. For each camera under investigation, we first …
its images based on the sensor's pattern noise. For each camera under investigation, we first …
Determining image origin and integrity using sensor noise
In this paper, we provide a unified framework for identifying the source digital camera from
its images and for revealing digitally altered images using photo-response nonuniformity …
its images and for revealing digitally altered images using photo-response nonuniformity …
Comprehensive analyses of image forgery detection methods from traditional to deep learning approaches: an evaluation
The digital image proves critical evidence in the fields like forensic investigation, criminal
investigation, intelligence systems, medical imaging, insurance claims, and journalism to …
investigation, intelligence systems, medical imaging, insurance claims, and journalism to …
Digital image forensics: a booklet for beginners
Digital visual media represent nowadays one of the principal means for communication.
Lately, the reliability of digital visual information has been questioned, due to the ease in …
Lately, the reliability of digital visual information has been questioned, due to the ease in …
Blind source camera identification
An interesting problem in digital forensics is that given a digital image, would it be possible
to identify the camera model which was used to obtain the image. In this paper we look at a …
to identify the camera model which was used to obtain the image. In this paper we look at a …
Enhancing source camera identification performance with a camera reference phase sensor pattern noise
Sensor pattern noise (SPN) extracted from digital images has been proved to be a unique
fingerprint of digital cameras. However, SPN can be contaminated largely in the frequency …
fingerprint of digital cameras. However, SPN can be contaminated largely in the frequency …
Nonintrusive component forensics of visual sensors using output images
Rapid technology development and the widespread use of visual sensors have led to a
number of new problems related to protecting intellectual property rights, handling patent …
number of new problems related to protecting intellectual property rights, handling patent …
Can we trust digital image forensics?
Compared to the prominent role digital images play in nowadays multimedia society,
research in the field of image authenticity is still in its infancy. Only recently, research on …
research in the field of image authenticity is still in its infancy. Only recently, research on …